Page 12 - The Indian EYE 062422
P. 12

OPINION                                                                  JUNE 24, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 12

        China  will  eventually  isolate  them-
            A section of Chinese media and
        members  of  strategic  community
        reiterated the sentiment. Another
        prominent  Chinese commentator
        argued  that  it  will  be  impossible  to
        exclude China economically since
        it is the largest economy in terms
        of purchasing power parity and the
        largest trading nation with most of
        the  Asia-Pacific  countries.  Chinese
        observers  conclude  that  IPEF  is
        bound to fail as it is a ‘political tool’
        to target China and devoid of any
        economic substance which will ben-
        efit the Asian region.
            However, a sense of alarm was
        also perceptible, with Beijing declar-
        ing policy measures relating to trade
        and cooperation in the region while
        criticizing the framework as being di-
        visive at the same time. On the day
        US  President  launched  the  IPEF,
        Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi
        at the UN ESCAP summit pledged
        deeper cooperation with the In-         Pradeep Kumar Rawat assumed charge as Ambassador of India to the People’s Republic of China, in Beijing recently (ANI Photo)
        do-Pacific through better BRI proj-
        ects and higher investments.
                                          linkages with the Indo-Pacific coun-  IMPLICATIONS FOR THE          ness China rolling out more capi-
         THE TRANS-PACIFIC ANGLE          tries,  Beijing  is  confident  that  eco-    REGION                tal investment, technology transfer
            Reportedly, he also promised to   nomic decoupling is not in the hori-  Anxious about the threat posed   and infrastructure development
        proactively pursue China’s accession   zon in the near future. However, the   by  IPEF  to  China’s  regional  eco-  plans  for  the  neighboring  coun-
        to the Comprehensive and Progres-  cause of its concern is the “exclusive   nomic clout, Chinese leaders and   tries.
        sive  Agreement  for  Trans-Pacific   institutional  balancing”  underlying   analysts have called for enhancing   For the smaller regional econ-
        Partnership  and  the  Digital  Econo-  the idea of IPEF.           regional economic cooperation.    omies, it does offer an opportunity
        my Partnership Agreement to count-    Such institutional balancing can   Beijing’s pushback against Washing-  to  resist  economic  domination  by
        er the new trade and economic initia-  be used to diminish China’s econom-  ton’s IPEF strategy is likely to result   one power while simultaneously
        tive of the Quad alliance.        ic edge in the region by pressurizing   in an intense zero-sum geo-econom-  compelling them to provide public
            Similarly, the urgency with which   Chinese economy through  export   ic competition.             goods tailored to their needs.
        Wang toured the Pacific Island Coun-  controls, import screening and shift-  China is likely to add more   Further,  competition  between
        tries  offering  them  ‘comprehensive   ing supply chains, which could even-  teeth to its regional economic di-  China and US-led institutions could
        strategic  partnership’  demonstrated   tually reduce China’s strategic clout.  plomacy. We can, therefore, wit-  perhaps drive reforms within these
        Beijing’s  anxiety  regarding  IPEF.                                                                  institutions that could lead to an
        In  a  bid  to  undercut  Washington’s                                                                improvement in the regional eco-
        network of alliance and consolidate                                                                   nomic architecture, ensure greater
        China’s economic and military foot-                                                                   supply chain resilience and enhance
        print, Wang offered economic, infra-                                                                  intra-regional trade. The increased
        structural and security cooperation                                                                   geo-economic competition in a re-
        to these island countries and pledged                                                                 gion  with  security  deficits,  though,
        greater support in terms of humani-                                                                   could also result in greater diplomat-
        tarian relief and ensuring food secu-                                                                 ic confrontations and further deteri-
        rity and climate change mitigation.                                                                   oration of regional security.
            Some    Chinese    observers,
        though,  affirmed  the  possibility  of                                                               Mayuri Banerjee is Research Analyst at
        adverse impact like reduced regional                                                                  Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense
        trade and shift in production chain,                                                                     Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        and suggested that China should                                                                        Views expressed are of the author and
        strengthen   RCEP    cooperation                                                                       do not necessarily reflect the views of
        through accelerating digital partner-                                                                  the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        ship negotiations with the ASEAN                                                                             Government of India.
        members.  Moreover,  analysts  sug-
        gested that China should leverage its                                                                  This is the abridged version of the In-
        geographical proximity and attrac-                                                                     troduction of the book which appeared
        tiveness of its markets to deepen co-      Commander of Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), United States,    first in the Comment section of the
        operation  with  ASEAN,  Japan  and    Admiral John Aquilino called on then Chief of Army Staff General MM Naravane,    website ( of Manohar Par-
        South Korea.                                       in New Delhi in April (ANI Photo/Army Twitter)      rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
            In view of China’s robust trade                                                                    Analyses, New Delhi on June 14, 2022

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