Page 18 - The Indian EYE 061722
P. 18

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 17, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 18

              GOPIO-CT participates in the hope in

          motion fundraiser to help cancer patients

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

              lobal Organization of People
              of Indian Origin - Connecti-
        Gcut Chapter (GOPIO-CT)
        has been participating in the Annu-
        al Hope in Motion Walk and Run
        Fundraiser to help cancer patients at
        the Stamford Hospital for the last 12
        years.  Now in its 27th year, the Hope
        in Motion Walk event continues to
        raise the funds necessary to provide
        a broad range of supportive services
        at no charge to those cancer patients
        in need.
            This year’s program on Sunday
        June 5th was held as a hybrid with
        limited physical presence. Over 500
        people  gathered  at  the  Stamford
        Museum and Nature Center to raise
        funds for cancer patients who rely
        on Stamford Health’s important ser-
        vices.  The proceeds from the event
        were donated to the Bennett Cancer
        Center at Stamford Health.

              GOPIO-CT donated
         about $2,300 this year with

         physical presence of seven
               of its members.
                                                     GOPIO-CT participants at the fundraiser (from left to right): Ambrish Mathur, Dr. Thomas Abraham, Alka Banerjee,
            Stamford Health Foundation                                      Anita Mathur, Sangeeta Ahuja and Paul Ahuja
        has helped needy cancer patients
        during and after cancer treatments.
            Over the last 16 years, GO-
        PIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO Inter-
        national has become an active and
        dynamic organization  hosting  inter-
        active sessions with policy makers and
        academicians, community events,
        youth mentoring and networking
        workshops, and working with other
        area organizations to help create a
        better future. GOPIO-CT – Global
        Organization of People of Indian Or-
        igin – serves as a non-partisan, secu-
        lar, civic and community service or-
        ganization – promoting awareness of
        Indian culture, customs and contri-
        butions of PIOs through community
        programs, forums, events and youth
        activities. It seeks to strengthen part-
        nerships and create an ongoing dia-
        logue with local communities. The
        chapter  financially  supports  several                               Cancer survivors who attended the event
        service organizations in Connecticut.

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