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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JUNE 17, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
At AAPI’s Popular Women’s Forum
“Trailblazing Titans to Share Their Tales”
OUR BUREAU of growing up and facing challenges
with conviction and courage, and have
New York, NY
today become role models for other
uring the 40th annual con- women around the world.
vention in San Antonio, Tex- Dr. Chaithanya Mallikarjun,
Das, leading women leaders in Chair of Women’s Forum Conven-
pharmaceuticals, academic and pri- tion Committee, while announcing
vate settings will inspire us with how that the much-anticipated Women’s
they tackled the hurdles,” said Dr. Forum will be held on Friday June
Anupama Gotimukula, the only 4th 24th said, “The Women’s Forum titled
Woman President of AAPI in the four “Trailblazer Titans Tell Their Tales”
decades-long history, a Woman Lead- Will have a panel of accomplished
er, who has made huge contributions to women leaders from various fields
AAPI in her own unassuming manner, who will speak about their successful
while taking AAPI to newer heights. journey and experiences while achiev-
Organized by the Texas Chapter ing their goals.
of AAPI, the 40th Annual Convention The confirmed panelists at the
and Scientific Sessions of the Ameri- prestigious Women’s Forum include:
can Association of Physicians of In- Dr. Juby A. Jacob-Nara, a Public
dian origin (AAPI) will be held from Health Physician, Vice President and
June 23-26, 2022 in the historic city of Head of Global Medical Respiratory
San Antonio, Texas at Henry B Gon- Allergy & Gastroenterology (Sano-
zalez Convention Center. fi-Genzyme) who has been a part of
The Women’s Forum is organized over 50 new medicines successfully
by the Convention Committee led by launched including vaccines in the
Dr. Chaithanya Mallikarjun, Chair US and globally; Dr. Kalpalatha
with its members: Dr. Heta Javeri, Guntupalli, Endowed Professor for
Dr. Ruchi Kaushik, Dr. Hetal Gadhia, Pulmonary Disorders, Baylor Col-
and Dr. Dharam Kaushik, with the lege of Medicine; Dr. Sowjanya Mo-
help of National AAPI Women Phy- han, Group Chief Medical Officer,
sicians Committee Chair, Dr. Seema Texas Group/Tenet Health; and, Ms.
Arora, has put together a galaxy of Rosemary Hickman, Semmes Foun-
successful women, who will share with dation Education Manager at the
the AAPI delegates their own stories Mcnay Art Museum.