Page 14 - The Indian EYE 061722
P. 14
OP-ED JUNE 17, 2022 | The Indian Eye 14
In nature, timing is everything
Migration of different species of animals and birds is also getting affected by rising temperatures, since
migration takes place to help them optimize resources in multiple locations
n nature and as in life, timing
is everything. With this month
Imarking the World Environment
Day, a look at the problems that oc-
cur in nature due to changing climate
patterns affecting timing is important.
The United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP) Frontiers 2022 Re-
port deals in its final and third chapter
with ‘Phenology’.
When we look around us it seems
natural that butterflies come when the A flock of Ibis birds seen flying over a field in Nagaon. Climate change, apart from making day to day living difficult,
flowers are in bloom, bird chicks hatch is also affecting the timing of life cycles in living things around us (ANI Photo)
when there is a lot of food around,
and lizards in our houses disappear
in winter. Phenology studies the tim- young birds, which in turn affects the Ask any farmer about crops, they marine species is affected by tem-
ing of recurring biological life cycle entire eco system. will often describe that long hot sum- perature, lower survival of the young
events, and how changes in the envi- mers, or erratic rainfall is impacting affect’s adult marine population.
ronment impacts interacting species. Migration of different species the cropping patterns. Plants are In India, studies have shown tim-
Scientific enquiry into the impact impacted in all their processes in re- ing changes in the life cycle of major
of climate change on phenology of of animals and birds is also sponse to rising temperatures and un- forest trees of Kumaon Himalayas,
plants and animals is somewhat sim- getting affected by rising tem- even rainfall. Be it leafing, flowering and studies are ongoing on mismatch-
pler in parts of the world where the or fruit production. Life cycles of sta- es between plants and insects, which
seasons are clearly demarcated. In peratures, since migration ple crops across the globe are chang- could impact issues of food security.
tropical countries, this study is slightly takes place to help them opti- ing due to climate unpredictability. We often observe and discuss
difficult, because temperatures, rain- These include barley, maize, rice, the abnormally hot summers, the
fall and daylight don’t change much. mize resources in multiple lo- soybean, wheat, cotton, grapevines, sudden heavier thundershowers, and
However, these changes are occur- cations. and fruit trees. These changes lead the shorter colder winters. We need
ring everywhere, and when timing to changes in crop varieties and oth- to understand that climate change,
mismatches occur in nature, the out- er farming decisions. Such decisions apart from making day to day living
come affects the entire ecosystem. The well-known Monarch but- have an impact on soil, and on insects difficult, is also affecting the timing of
The commonly found hole nest- terfly flies from Canada to Mexico in and pests that interact with crops. life cycles in living things around us.
ing songbird in Europe and Asia, ‘the winter, a distance of nearly 4000 km. These have long term consequences The affected plants and animals try
great tit’ has many offspring in one It has been seen that the butterflies on food availability. and adjust to the changed climate, but
hatching, and they need a large num- have delayed their migration by near- We have all heard of many variet- often the adjustments are not in synch
ber of caterpillars to feed upon. It has ly 6 days per decade due to warmer ies of fish and other marine life becom- with each other. These mismatches
been observed that in many areas, temperatures. Due to late migration, ing scarce in many parts of the world. have long term impacts, which poten-
because of early onset of summer the many butterflies are unable to reach Rising water temperatures show tially threaten all of us on the globe.
birds hatch earlier, but the caterpillar the warmer destination, probably due timing changes much more quick-
is not breeding at that time, leading to to timing mismatch in food supply on ly in marine life than on land. Since Sadhna Shanker is a writer based
a mismatch and lack of food for the the way. the spawning and growth of many in New Delhi, India