Page 16 - The Indian EYE 061722
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                  JUNE 10, 2022

         President Biden nominates Sopen

            Shah as US attorney in Madison

          If confirmed, Shah would be only the second woman to lead the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Madison

         after Peg Lautenschlager, who led the office during the presidency of Bill Clinton, from 1993 to 2001

        OUR BUREAU                        for all, and their commitment to the   ty Solicitor General of Wisconsin   Bill Clinton, from 1993 to 2001.
                                          independence of the Department of   from 2017 to 2019. She served as a   Shah would succeed Scott Blad-
        Washington, DC
                                          Justice,” it said.                law clerk for Judge Debra Ann Liv-  er as the Madison US attorney. Blad-
           n good news for the Indi-          The  nominations,  which  need   ingston on the US Court of Appeals   er, who was appointed by President
           an-American community, Pres-   Senate  confirmation,  were  an-  for the Second Circuit from 2016 to   Donald Trump, resigned in 2021.
        Iident Joe Biden has nominated    nounced Monday.                   2017 and Judge Amul R. Thapar on      Biden has proposed a budget
        advocate Sopen B. Shah as US at-      If Shah is selected, she would   the US District Court for the East-  that  would  significantly  increase
        torney for the Western District of   be only the second woman to lead   ern District of Kentucky from 2015   funding for law enforcement as part
        Wisconsin, which includes Madison.   the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Madi-  to 2016.                    of a comprehensive approach to
        Shah’s nomination was sent to the   son after Peg Lautenschlager, who   Shah received her JD from Yale   tackling the rising crime rate this ad-
        Senate  for  confirmation  Monday   led the office during the presidency   Law School in 2015 and AB, magna cum   ministration inherited last year, the
        along with four attorneys across the   of Bill Clinton, from 1993 to 2001.   laude, from Harvard College in 2008.  White House said.
        country, as well as two new nominees   Haanstad currently serves as a pros-  Last year, she represented the   The President has also launched
        to serve as US marshals.          ecutor in the Eastern District and   Democratic National Committee   a comprehensive effort to take on
            “These are officials who will be   previously  served  as  U.S.  attorney   and the Democratic Party of Wis-  the uptick in gun crime that has been
        indispensable to upholding the rule   there from 2015 to 2018.      consin in a voting case which, in a   taking place  since 2020—putting
        of law as top federal law enforce-    Shah is a 2015 graduate of Yale   span of three weeks, went from US   more cops on the beat, supporting
        ment  officials,”  the  White  House   Law School and an associate attor-  District Court in Madison to the US   community  prevention  programs,
        said in a statement.              ney in the Madison office of the law   Supreme Court.               and cracking down on illegal gun
            “These individuals were cho-  firm of Perkins Coie since 2019. She   If Shah is confirmed, she would   trafficking.
        sen for their devotion to enforcing   specializes in business litigation and   be  only  the  second  woman  to  lead   Confirming US Attorneys as the
        the law, their professionalism, their   in appeals, issues and strategy, ac-  the US Attorney’s Office in Madison   chief  federal  law  enforcement  offi-
        experience  and  credentials,  their   cording to the firm’s website.  after Peg Lautenschlager, who led   cers in their district is important for
        dedication to pursuing equal justice   Shah was previously a Depu-  the  office  during  the  presidency  of   these efforts, the White House said.

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