Page 12 - The Indian EYE 061722
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OPINION JUNE 17, 2022 | The Indian Eye 12
has been at the forefront of advocat- did not go to Palestine during his
ing stronger ties between India and path-breaking Israel visit. India’s Is-
Israel and its leaders have repeatedly rael policy, therefore, was termed as
expressed appreciation for Isra- being ‘de-hyphenated’ from India’s
el’s muscular counter-terrorism and policy positions vis-à-vis Palestine.
national security policies. Earlier in During Prime Minister Netanya-
May 2006, as Chief Minister of Gu- hu’s January 2018 visit, a MoU on
jarat, Modi paid a successful visit to cooperation in the energy sector, was
Israel, to attend a conference on ag- agreed upon. Both countries com-
riculture technology. mitted to explore opportunities in
Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj third countries – on aspects like agri-
asked them why they had not raised culture, education, health care, solar
a similar demand in 2008 or 2012 energy and water, among others.21
(probably referring to Israel’s pri- Both sides emphasized on the need
or large-scale military actions ‘Cast for sustainable and long-term coop-
Lead’ and ‘Pillar of Defense’). eration in the defense sector. The
Given the Modi government’s two Prime Ministers visited an inno-
spirited rebuttal of the opposition vation hub, the International Centre
demands — coupled with the oft-ex- for Entrepreneurship and Technolo-
pressed support for Israeli national gy, iCreate, in Ahmedabad. This hub
security policies by BJP leaders, the Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar with Israel’s Ambassador to India Naor Gilon cele- was established in 2012 by the Guja-
opposition alleged that the Govern- brate the 74th independence day of Israel, in New Delhi on Thursday. (ANI Photo) rat government to foster innovation.
ment was moving away from India’s External Affairs Minister
longstanding policy vis-a-vis support The discussion in the Rajya energy, water and Information and (EAM) S. Jaishankar’s October
to the Palestinians. While the Gov- Sabha (Upper House), however, Communication Technology (ICT). 2021 visit –only the fourth Foreign
ernment rubbished the charges, re- did eventually take place on July 21, In the defense sector, joint de- Ministerial visit to Israel after the es-
ports in the media subsequently also 2014. During the discussion, the BJP velopment of products, including tablishment of full diplomatic ties in
speculated about the possibility of Members of Parliament opposed de- transfer of technology (ToT), was 1992– showcased the intent of both
‘tectonic shift’ in India’s voting pat- mands from the opposition for a res- stressed, in the light of India’s ‘Make countries to further strengthen the
terns as regards Israel-related resolu- olution critical of Israeli actions. in India’ initiative. Both sides agreed relationship which entered its fourth
tions at international fora under the To the demands by the Members on a Framework for Cooperation in decade in January 2022, with em-
Modi government. of the Left parties that India should the Area of Cyber Security. Space phasis on sustainability and ‘Green’
During Prime Minister Modi’s growth. A significant development
July 2017 historic visit, the bilateral stop arms purchases from Israel, ex- cooperation was strengthened, with that came out of the EAM’s visit was
the Indian Space Research Organi-
tended further), and the India-Isra-
relationship was formally termed as el Industrial R&D and Innovation zation (ISRO) and the Israel Space the decision to resume discussions
a ‘Strategic Partnership’. Fund (I4F) was set up. Both sides Agency (ISA) signing agreements on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
Prime Minister Modi met with and complete the negotiations by the
Prime Minister Netanyahu on the pledged to invest $40 million in this on projects relating to atomic clocks, middle of 2022.
geo-synchronous earth orbit (GEO)-
Fund over five years ($4 million per
sidelines of the United Nations Gen- year by each country) to promote low earth orbit (LEO) optical links India-Israel relations have tra-
eral Assembly (UNGA) in New York joint R&D projects. The first-round and electric propulsion for small sat- versed a dynamic path. With the
on September 28, 2014, the only project winners were announced in ellites. re-established intent to finish ne-
second occasion when the Prime July 2018. These and subsequent While Prime Minister Modi vis- gotiations on a FTA – as mutually
Ministers of India and Israel had successful project proposals related ited Ramallah in a ‘stand-alone’ visit agreed during EAM Jaishankar’s
met in the preceding eleven years. to novel treatments for glaucoma, as eight months later in February 2018, October 2021 visit, bilateral trade
Netanyahu extended an invitation well as fields as diverse as agriculture, analysts found it significant that he can be expected to grow from the
to Modi to visit Israel during this current levels of around $7 billion.
New York meeting. External Affairs Defense cooperation, meanwhile,
Minister Sushma Swaraj in May 2015 continues to be the strongest pillar
– at a press briefing to highlight the of the relationship. The next chapter
achievements of the Modi govern- examines the defense cooperation
ment after a year in office, formally between India and Israel in its var-
indicated that the Prime Minister ied dimensions.
would visit Israel, even though no
specific dates had been agreed upon. Dr S. Samuel C. Rajiv is Associate Fel-
Modi’s meeting at the UNGA low at the Manohar Parrikar Institute
with Netanyahu was in the after- for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
math of ‘Operation Protective Delhi.
Edge’, the Israeli military action in Views expressed are of the author and
the Gaza Strip, which began in July do not necessarily reflect the views of
2014. There was an unprecedented the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
demand from the opposition in the Government of India.
Indian parliament for resolution
critical of Israeli military action. The This is the abridged version of the In-
Government initially even refused to troduction of the book which appeared
accept the demand for a discussion, first in the Comment section of the
with Minister Swaraj stating that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting website ( of Manohar Par-
‘subject refers discourteously to a in Jerusalem on Sunday. rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
friendly foreign country’. Analyses, New Delhi on June 8, 2022