Page 27 - The Indian EYE 061022
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JUNE 10, 2022 | The Indian Eye 27
well as the State governors and for- aisle of the large church, holding the
mer US presidents. For his service to Pope’s decree above his head to show
the community, he has also received those in the pews.
the South Asian Global Leadership They gave him a standing ova-
Award and the AAPI Community tion — and a few “woo-hoos.”
Hero Award. Earlier, during the homily and
remarks from Pierre, Fernandes was
lightly teased, but also praised. The
bishop-elect sat in a gold and maroon
robe, a zucchetto (a skull cap won by
bishops) already atop his head when
he entered the sanctuary, the news-
paper said.
Pierre noted Fernandes’ smile
Ajay Jain Bhutoria and said that, though it’s not all he’ll
need for his new position, it’s “not at Deepica Mutyala
Entrepreneur named as Deputy all a bad start.”
National Finance Chair of From YouTube influencer to CEO
Democratic party A choir sang many hymns and of a beauty brand
minent Indian-American and Fernandes himself distribut- t age 16, Deepica Mutyala
major fund raiser Ajay Jain
told her parents she wanted to
EBhutoria has been named as ed Holy Communion wafers to Acreate her own makeup brand
Deputy National Finance Chair of those in attendance toward for people “who look like us.” At 32,
the ruling Democratic party in the Mutyala has more than made good
US. Silicon Valley-based Bhutoria is Earl Fernandes the end of the service, his on her hobby. She is the founder and
a successful entrepreneur and is con- trademark smile on his face CEO of Live Tinted, a beauty brand
sidered to be one of the major fund Priest ordained as first Indian- and digital platform focused on mul-
raisers for the Democratic Party and American Catholic bishop as he did so. The leader of the ticultural beauty.
US President Joe Biden. arl K. Fernandes, the fourth Archdiocese of Atlanta, Arch- One of Live Tinted’s main goals
With a proven track record and of five sons born to Indian
decades of combined experience rais- Eimmigrants in Toledo, Ohio, bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, is inclusivity — to serve “every shade
in between” by creating products
ing the resources to elect Democrats has become the first Indian-Ameri- gave the homily and called for people underrepresented in the
up and down the ballot, Bhutoria is can catholic bishop. Fernandes, 49, beauty industry. It’s a philosophy
the only Asian-American to hold this a self-described “young and happy Fernandes a friend. Mutyala has espoused ever since her
role this year, a media release said. priest,” was ordained and installed own childhood experience of feeling
Tuesday as the 13th bishop of the Ro- Hartmayer praised Fernandes’ like an outsider.
Bhutoria also serves on the man Catholic Diocese of Columbus, parents: his late father Sydney and As a brown-skinned, dark-haired
Ohio with a ceremony at Westerville
President’s Advisory Commis- parish. his mother, Thelma, who was watch- teenager growing up in Sugar Land,
ing the livestream from Toledo as
Texas, Mutyala was surrounded by
The almost three-hour ceremo-
sion on Asian Americans, Na- ny at Saint Paul the Apostle Church she was too frail to travel for the a beauty ideal she didn’t fit into. “It
tive Hawaiians and Pacific Is- in Westerville was in turn solemn, ceremony. was a world where blond hair and
blue eyes was all around me and I
“These two wonderful people
landers (US HHS). joyful and mirthful, with approxi- have had the strongest influence on would walk down the makeup aisle
mately 1,500 people in attendance Father Earl’s life, especially his spir- and I would turn on the TV and see
for the ceremonial event, according
An influential and passionate itual life,” Hartmayer said. “They the exact same standard of beau-
champion for the South Asian and to The Columbus Dispatch. were his mentors … his first teachers ty across the board,” said Mutyala,
Fernandes was named the next
greater AAPI community, he has Columbus bishop on April 2 by Pope in the way of faith.” who admits she used to put blond
fought tirelessly to advance equity, Francis. In a letter translated from Fernandes — who spoke during highlights in her hair and sometimes
justice, and opportunities for AAPIs Latin to English, the Pope described the Mass only ceremonially, in prayer wore blue contacts to defy her Indian
across the nation, with a strong focus Fernandes as being “of strong faith and verse — also has attributed his heritage.
on small business growth, strong edu- and good character.” faith to his parents. In 2015, Mutyala made a You-
cation, tackling hate crimes, advanc- After Archbishop Christophe Fernandes told The Dispatch Tube video that went viral and led
ing technology and fair immigration, Pierre, pope’s representative to the in a previous interview that his par- to an appearance on TODAY. The
the release said. United States, read the letter, he ents were devout and saw the church video showed her demonstrating a
Bhutoria has been recognized as their family, as they had left their beauty hack using red lipstick to col-
by numerous US Congressmen, US and Fernandes shook hands and em- blood relatives behind in India to or-correct dark pigmentation under
braced. Fernandes then walked the
Senators, California Legislators, as seek a new life for their sons. the eyes.