Page 28 - The Indian EYE 061022
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BOLLYWOOD SPEACIAL                                                       JUNE 10, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 28

                             ‘Samrat Prithiviraj’

         How Chandraprakash Dwivedi &

              Akshay Kumar created history

         Yash Raj Films’ first historical, Prithviraj, is based on the life and valour of the fearless and mighty King Prithviraj

                 Chauhan; Manushi Chhillar, who won India the Miss World title in 2017, makes her debut in the film

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            and times of the mighty Samrat, I
                                                                                                              should read this. The book became
                                                                                                              an invaluable source material for me
             uperstar Akshay Kumar’s next                                                                     to understand the mind of Samrat
             is Yash Raj Films’ first histor-                                                                 Prithviraj Chauhan and his life jour-
        Sical, Prithviraj, which is based                                                                     ney with Princess Sanyogita. I think I
        on the life and valour of the fearless                                                                could prep. thoroughly because I al-
        and mighty King Prithviraj Chauhan.                                                                   ways had Prithviraj Raso to refer to.”
        He is essaying the role of the legend-                                                                    Prithviraj has been directed by
        ary  warrior  who  fought  valiantly  to                                                              Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi, who
        protect India from the merciless in-                                                                  is best known for directing the televi-
        vader Muhammad of Ghor in this vi-                                                                    sion epic Chanakya and the critical-
        sual spectacle. Akshay and Manushi                                                                    ly  acclaimed  film  Pinjar.  Manushi’s
        reveal  that  they  relied  heavily  on                                                               launch in this movie is definitely one
        Prithviraj Raso, the epic poem writ-                                                                  of the most awaited debuts of 2022.
        ten by Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan’s                                                                    The film is set to release on June 3 in
        court poet Chand Bardai to under-                                                                     Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
        stand the life and daredevilry of the                                                                     The producer of the film, Aditya
        legendary warrior king!                                                                               Chopra, recreated 12th century Del-
                                                                                                              hi, Ajmer and Kannauj from scratch
        Prithviraj has been directed by                                                                       and allocated over 25 crores as set
                                                                                                              design budget!
        Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi,                                                                               Akshay Kumar says, “It was
        who is best known for directing                                                                       quite a task to make this film into a
                                                                                                              visual delight for audiences because
        the television epic Chanakya                                                                          we wanted to promise a big screen

        and the critically acclaimed                                                                          entertainer for everyone. Samrat
                                                                                                              Prithviraj Chauhan was chosen as
        film Pinjar.                                                                                          the ruler of India and Delhi be-
                                                                                                              came his political capital. So, it was
            Akshay says, “When you set                                                                        important that we recreated 12th
        out  to  make  a  historical  like  Prith-                                                            century Delhi, Ajmer and Kannauj,
        viraj, which is based on the life and                                                                 cities that are linked to his reign
        daredevilry of a mighty warrior who                                                                   and life authentically for people to
        gave up his life to protect his moth-                                                                 see  how  magnificent  the  city  really
        erland and countrymen, you need to                                                                    looked during that time.”
        be absolutely sure that you are be-                                                                       Director     Chandraprakash
        ing authentic to his life and times. I                                                                Dwivedi adds, “Aditya Chopra took
        was delighted that I was collaborat-                                                                  on the Herculean task to recre-
        ing with a revered historian like Dr.                                                                 ate Delhi, Ajmer and Kannauj and
        Chandraprakash Dwivedi ji, who has   rat Prithviraj Chauhan. This book,   the shooting of the film.”  I  have  to  congratulate  the entire
        shown with his earlier works that his   written by Chand Bardai, who was   The  ethereally  gorgeous  set-design team for being able to pull
        research and mastery over Indian   a court poet of the Samrat, became   Manushi Chhillar, who won India   off the unthinkable. Real marble was
        history is flawless.”             the cornerstone of my prep. for the   the Miss World title in 2017, plays   used to build the city, 900 workers
            He adds, “During our initial   project. It was an eye opener for me   the role of King Prithviraj’s beloved   toiled hard for about eight months
        meetings on this project, doctor   to read this book as I understood the   Sanyogita. She says, “My director,   to build this gigantic set that was a
        saab gifted me the incredible Prith-  life philosophies of the Samrat and it   Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi gift-  marvel for our eyes. Every element
        viraj Raso, which is a Brajbhasha   became invaluable research material   ed me Prithviraj Raso and told me   of the city, including Samrat Prithvi-
        epic  poem  about  the  life  of Sam-  that I kept referring to throughout   that if I want to understand the life   Continued at next page... >>

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