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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 10, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 26

        Amazon Prime Video Collaborates with

            Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment

                        The titles will join the thousands of Indian and international TV shows

                                       and movies in the Amazon Prime Video catalogue

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              mazon Prime Video has an-
              nounced a worldwide-exclu-
        Asive,  multi-film  licensing  col-
        laboration with Sajid Nadiadwala’s
        Nadiadwala Grandson Entertain-
        ment (NGE). This association marks
        the coming together of India’s most
        loved entertainment hub – Amazon
        Prime Video, and one of the coun-
        try’s favorite entertainment brands
        –  Nadiadwala  Grandson  Entertain-
        ment (NGE).

        This collaboration will bring the
        biggest and best of Bollywood

        movies to audiences across
        the length and breadth of the
        country and to fans in over
        240+ countries and territories.

        As part of the association, the
        steaming service will be the  Dhawan, Tiger Shroff, Kartik Aary-    global distribution to the best sto-  Prime Video India. “At Amazon, we
        worldwide home  to NGE’s  up-     an, Ahan Shetty and many more. The   ries from the Indian entertainment   start with the customer and work
                                          slate also brings together some of the   ecosystem. This collaboration marks   backwards and this collaboration is
        coming slate of movies, soon  most respected, powerhouse direc-     NGE’s  first-ever,  worldwide  exclu-  another  step  towards  fulfilling  that
        after their theatrical launch.    tors including national award-win-  sive, multi-film, multi-year deal with   promise. Prime Video has played a
                                          ning directors like Nitesh Tiwari   Prime Video – we are confident that   key  role  in  significantly  enhancing
                                          (Chhichhore, Dangal) Ravi Udyawar   this partnership of inclusive cinema   the audience base for Indian films,
            NGE’s movie slate includes    (Mom), Sameer Vidwans (Anandi     will enable our upcoming titles to   across languages, both within the
        many much-anticipated titles such   Gopal) Saket Chaudhry (Hindi Me-  travel beyond geographies and add   country and internationally. I am
        as Bawaal, Sanki, Baaghi 4, Kartik   dium) and many more.           further value to Prime Video’s stel-  certain that this slate of much-antic-
        Aaryan’s untitled project, among      Sajid Nadiadwala, Managing    lar content selection. As the world   ipated movies will prove to be an ab-
        others and promises to bring Sajid   Director of Nadiadwala Grandson   of storytelling evolves across genres,   solute  delight for our consumers,”
        Nadiadwala’s trade-mark larger-   Entertainment,  Producer  &  Direc-  I believe this association will pave   he added.
        than-life, immersive cinema to view-  tor said, “We have been entertain-  the way for more collaborations be-  The titles will join the thou-
        ers across the globe, on a screen of   ing the audience for the last 70 years   tween the two brands to follow.”  sands of Indian and international
        their choice.                     with our movies, contributing to the   “We are excited to venture into   TV shows and movies in the Ama-
            The  films,  post  their  theatrical   Indian culture and today it’s a new   this milestone collaboration with   zon Prime Video catalogue.
        release, will be available on Amazon   era in entertainment with OTT be-  Nadiadwala Grandson Entertain-  Prime members can watch
        Prime Video for all Prime members.   coming such an integral part of our   ment, that is known to create films   these titles anywhere and anytime
        Additionally,  the  films  will  also  be   lives. Amazon Prime Video has been   that connect instantly with audienc-  on the Prime Video app for smart
        available ‘to-rent’ on Amazon Prime   instrumental in breaking all barriers   es.  By  inking  this  partnership,  we   TVs, mobile devices, Fire TV, Fire
        Video for all Amazon customers    in entertainment – geographical,   will bring some of the most enter-  TV stick, Fire tablets,  Apple TV,
        (Prime  or  otherwise)  in  the  ‘Early   linguistic, or otherwise. In Prime   taining narratives and stories soon   etc. In the Prime Video app, Prime
        Access Rental’ window.            Video, we believe we have found   after their theatrical releases exclu-  members can download episodes on
            These films will feature some of   a  partner  that  not  only  shares  our   sively to our viewers’ screens world-  their mobile devices and tablets and
        Bollywood’s most popular, as well   vision  of offering  immersive  cine-  wide,” said Manish Menghani, Di-  watch anywhere offline at no addi-
        as, versatile talent, including Varun   matic experiences, but also provides   rector – Content Licensing, Amazon   tional cost.

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