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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 10, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 22

         Dr. Jagdish K. Gupta, President of Medical Society of County

              of Kings, NY Leads Year-Long Bicentennial Celebrations

                                                                                 Receiving Proclamation; From left to right, Dr. Lisa Eng (Chairperson of BOT)
                                                                              Dr. Parag Mehta (President of MSSNY), Councilwoman, 46th District in Brooklyn, Mrs
        Gavel Transfer to Dr. Jagdish Gupta incoming President by Dr Lawrence Melniker, outgoing   Mercedes Narcisse, Dr. Jagdiish Gupta (Incoming President) Dr. Lawrence Melniker
              President on the right and Dr. Madhu Gudavalli, President-Elect on the left  (Outgoing President & Dr. Niraj Acharya (Treasurer-MSCK)

        OUR BUREAU                                   the past Faculty Dean for Continuing Medical Ed-  Ravi Kolli, President Elect, American Association
                                                     ucation at Harvard Medical School for 12 years,  of Physicians of Indian Origin- the largest ethnic
        New York, NY                                 serving as a Marshall Wolf Distinguished Clinician  physician organization in America; and, Multiple
        I                                            Educator at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and  Citations for 50 years Medical School Graduates
           am very humbled, truly privileged, and ex-
           tremely honored to welcome you all to our  the author of more than 170 publications and ten  serving the Brooklyn Community.
           201st Bicentennial Stated Meeting by the Med-
                                                     gala. In his address, he pointed out to “The Two  ored the achievements and outstanding contribu-
        ical Society of The County of Kings and the Acad-  books to his credit, was the keynote speaker at the   The annual event also highlighted and hon-
        emy of Medicine of Brooklyn,” said Dr. Jagdish K.  Most Important Days: Reflections on Lasting Hap-  tions of an impressive and inspirational set of hon-
        Gupta, a committed and highly regarded physician  piness and Living with Purpose.”  He received a  orees representing 50 years of continuous, diligent,
        with a history of professional achievement and hu-  full-throttled standing ovation from the audience.  and impartial services to the Brooklyn community.
        manitarian philanthropy, who was inducted as the  Dr. Chopra is Editor-in-Chief of the Hepatology  “These 12 esteemed honorees have distinguished
        174th President of the Medical Society of County  Section of “UpToDate”, the most widely used elec-  themselves in the fields of community service, pa-
        of Kings (MSCK) on May 25th, 2022.           tronic textbook in the world subscribed to by more  tient advocacy, medical innovation, and clinical
            Dr. Gupta was addressing the delegates at the  than 1.5 million physicians in 195 countries. He  practice. These honored physicians have saved
        201st Annual Stated Meeting of MSCK as a Bicen-  is a sought-after inspirational speaker across the  countless lives and brought relief to thousands of
        tennial Event in person, after two years hiatus due  United States and abroad, addressing diverse au-  patients over the last 50 years. Their influence ex-
        to COVID Pandemic at El Caribe Country Club in  diences on topics related to medicine, leadership,  tends far beyond those in their direct care.  They
        Brooklyn, NY with full regalia. “The COVID-19  happiness, and living with purpose.         have served as role models for numerous students,
        pandemic upended the rhythms of our personal and   Recognizing the contributions and accom-  residents, and fellows for over five decades,” Dr.
        professional lives. Traditional workings of our med-  plishments of the Medical Society of the County of  Gupta pointed out.
        ical society came to a screeching halt,” Dr. Gupta  Kings, the New York State Assembly commemo-  Born and raised in Hissar, Haryana, India, Dr.
        pointed out. “However, as an organization, we  rated the Bicentennial Stated Meeting of the Med-  Gupta graduated from All-India Institute of Medi-
        persevered, reimagined our operations, and imple-  ical Society of the County of Kings on May 25, 2022  cal Sciences in New Delhi in 1972 with distinction,
        mented new strategies.  Overall, the organization  with a Proclamation sponsored by Assembly Wom-  and after coming to the United States, had his res-
        was renewed and brought into the 21st century.”  an Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn and Co-spon-  idency and fellowship at Long Island College Hos-
            Dr. Gupta expressed gratitude to “Dr. Valluru,  sored By Assemblyman Michael Tannousis.  pital (LICH). A diplomat of the American Board
        Dr. Prasad Gudavalli & Dr. Larry Melniker, and   Among the several distinguished guests who  of Internal Medicine and the American Board of
        everyone in our leadership team for all their hard  joined in and addressed the celebrations were  Gastroenterology, Dr. Gupta is an Assistant Clin-
        work during possibly the most challenging time in  Brooklyn  District Attorney  Eric Gonzalez who  ical Professor at SUNY Health Science Center in
        our organization’s history.”  Dr. Gupta on behalf  spoke passionately about the need for Gun Con-  Brooklyn, and has served as a role model and a
        of the Team 2022-2023, promised “to continue  trol and on ways to prevent the violence in the City.  mentor for a generation of young physicians who
        this progressive transformation. The central focus  Messages and proclamations were sent in by New  aspire to combine his clinical excellence with sen-
        during my presidency will be to bring harmony to  York City Council Woman Ms. Mercedes Narcisse  sitivity and compassion towards patients and their
        our efforts, empower ourselves to increase mem-  46th Council District; Congresswoman Nicole  families.
        bership, enhance membership benefits, create pro-  Malliotakis from 11th District; President of SUNY   Dr. Gupta has been serving the Brooklyn
        grams for wellness, end disparities inpatient care,  Downstate Medical School, Dr. Wayne Riley who  Community for the last 45 years. He has been
        and bring equity in healthcare to all, irrespective of  spoke about the contribution of Medical Society of  actively involved in Organized Medical Societies
        caste creed or financial status.”            County of Kings and Long Island College over 200  leadership at the Kings County and New York state
            Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, Professor of Medicine and  years; State Assemblyman Michael Tannousis; Dr.  Medical Society level for a long time.

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