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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 10, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 18

         Harini Logan, 14, wins Spelling Bee

          crown beating Vikram Raju in final

             Besides the championship trophy, Logan received $50,000 cash prize, commemorative
         medal and the Scripps Cup from Scripps. She also received $2,500 cash prize and reference

                                 library from the Bee’s dictionary partner Merriam-Webster

        OUR BUREAU
        San Antonio, TX
               arini Logan, a 14-year-old
               speller from San Antonio,
        HTexas, won back the 2022
        Scripps National Spelling Bee crown
        for desi kids beating a fellow Indi-
        an American in the competition’s
        first-ever spell-off. Logan, competing
        in the bee for the fourth time, earned
        the prestigious title when she correctly
        spelled “moorhen”, which is defined
        as “the female of the red grouse” in
        the finals at the Gaylord National Ho-
        tel and Convention Center in Nation-
        al Harbor, Maryland, on Thursday.
            She was declared the winner
        after several rounds left Logan and
        Raju,  12,  tied.  “Honestly,  so  surre-
        al,” she said of her win, calling it “a
            Adam Symson, president and
        CEO of The E.W. Scripps Company
        presented her with the championship   Encyclopedia Britannica.      to spell as many words as possible.   placed 31st in 2021, 30th in 2019 and
        trophy for the 94th Scripps Nation-   Second placed Vikram Raju     Raju ended the round with 15 con-  323rd in 2018.
        al Spelling Bee. “Harini displayed   of Aurora, Colorado will receive   firmed correctly spelled words — but   Earlier  on  reaching  the  finals,
        impressive focus and determination   $30,000, while third placed Vihaan   Logan edged him out with 22 out of   Logan said after watching the “cool
        throughout the competition all the   Sibal of McGregor, Texas, will re-  26 words attempted – the highest   big kids” on stage since 2015, she was
        way up to her thrilling win,” Symson   ceive  $15,000.  In  the  final  rounds,   percentage of words spelled correctly   flattered to inspire other young spell-
        said.                             both  Raju  and  Logan  first  missed   – to earn the coveted champion title.  ers as a “cool big kid” herself. “It’s
            “It’s exactly why the Scripps   words back-to-back — tripped up     Raju, though, told host LeVar   so unreal to think I could be doing
        National Spelling Bee is a piece of   by “Senijextee,”  meaning  “a  Salis-  Burton he would be back next year.   that for some second grader in their
        American culture beloved by mil-  han people of the Columbian River   A three-time competitor  in  2022,   house,” she said of inspiring other
        lions  around  the  world.  We  get  to   Valley in Washington and British Co-  he’ll be eligible one more time. “We   spellers.
        know these spellers and their stories,   lumbia” and “Powys,” a Welsh geo-  activated the spell-off because it was   Harini also likes to swim, play
        and we love rooting them along with   graphic name, respectively.   the best chance to show the extent of   tennis, sing, write and act – she likes
        each turn at the microphone.”         But Raju, a seventh grader from   these spellers’ preparation,” said Dr.   drama and musical theater. She’s
            “Congratulations to Harini and to   Denver, was tripped up in the next   J. Michael Durnil, executive director   also learning to play stringed instru-
        all of the national competitors this year.   round by “caul” — allowing Logan to   of  the  Spelling  Bee.  “Clearly,  they   ments, and quipped that she’s build-
        Scripps is proud to tell your stories.”  spell “sereh” correctly. But she was   demonstrated their deep capacity for   ing herself an orchestra.
            Besides the championship tro-  then tripped up by “drimys,” mean-  the competition.”                  Spelling, she said is a passion
        phy,  Logan  received  $50,000  cash   ing the two headed to the next round.  Last  year’s  winner,  Zaila  – each word carries meaning and is
        prize, commemorative medal and the    Raju then missed “Otukian,”   Avant-garde,  was  the  first  African   a way to view different world cul-
        Scripps Cup from Scripps. She also   giving Logan a chance with “myrice-  American winner in the bee’s history.   tures. As she learned in a research
        received $2,500 cash prize and ref-  tin.” But she again missed. And each   The event was canceled in 2020, the   project, just 14 percent of English
        erence library from the Bee’s dictio-  missed the next word: Raju, “pyrroli-  first time since World War II, due to   comes  from  its  own  language  fami-
        nary  partner  Merriam-Webster  and   done”; Logan, “scyllarian.”   Covid-19 pandemic.                ly, the Germanic languages. “It’s so
        $400 of reference works, including a   Judges then decided the two      Logan, an 8th grader at The   interesting to me how each word has
        1768 Encyclopedia Britannica Repli-  would face off in a spell-off, the first   Montessori School of San Antonio,   made a journey like any explorer,”
        ca Set and a three-year membership   in the history of the bee.     was sponsored by Brauntex Perform-  she said. “Passion leads me to want
        to Britannica Online Premium from     Each contestant had 90 seconds   ing Arts Theatre Association. She   to know more.”

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