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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JUNE 06, 2024 | The Indian Eye 34
Republican running for
Congress from Kansas
achieve health justice, economic justice, racial justice or educational justice
without environmental justice. And we are confident that the work you do as
members of this Council will help our administration help Americans across
our country. We need your insight, your expertise, your lived experience. We
need your ideas and your recommendations. Basically, we need you, period,”
said Vice president Kamala Harris at the inaugural meeting of the White House
Environmental (WHEJAC) Justice Advisory Council on March 30, 2021.
The establishment of the WHEJAC marks the first time that a Presiden-
tial advisory body has been tasked with providing recommendations on envi-
ndia-born American doctor Dr Prasanth Reddy is running for US House ronmental justice. WHEJAC is a Federal advisory committee that is charged
of Representatives from the third Congressional district of Kansas from
Ithe Republican party. He declared candidacy for the Republican primary with providing independent advice and recommendations on how to address
current and historic environmental injustice to the White House Environ-
scheduled on August 6, 2024. The seat is currently being held by Democrat mental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) and the Chair of the White House
Sharice Davids, who has been elected for three consecutive terms since 2018. Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).
Ahead of the primary in Kansas, the Chennai-born doctor is supported
Marwah brings experience in youth engagement and working at the inter-
by senior Republican Party leaders including Speaker Mike Johnson. Pras- section of healthcare and climate change to the Council.
anth Reddy earned a bachelor’s degree in microbiology and psychology from
Kansas State University and a medical degree from the University of Kan-
sas Medical Center. Reddy also received a master’s degree in public health SHRUTHI KUMAR
through the National Institute of Health clinical research award program and
is an alumnus of Harvard Business School. As of 2023, Reddy was a lieutenant Harvard student to raise her
colonel in the United States Air Force Reserve.
Dr. Reddy lives in Lenexa, and is triple-board certified in internal med- voice in support of 13 classmates
icine, medical oncology, and hematology. After years of practicing medicine
and serving patients, Dr. Reddy moved to research. After 9/11, Dr. Reddy
joined the United States Air Force Reserve, and is a Lt. Colonel.
According to his website, he is running for the Congress to fight so every
child has a shot at a quality education, to secure the border. He also believes
that student loans should be paid by those who took on the debt, and those
who either paid off their debts or chose not to go to college shouldn’t be ex-
pected to foot the bill.
Physician to be a Member of the
White House Advisory Council
arleen Marwah is a Pediatric Resident Physician at Children’s Hos-
pital of Philadelphia. She is the Founding Chair of Medical Students
Hfor a Sustainable Future - a community of medical students working
to prevent and address the health harms of climate change. Marwah earned
Health Care Without Harm’s 2020 Emerging Physician Leader Award, which hruthi Kumar, an Indian-origin Harvard student spoke against Harvard
recognizes medical students and professionals who have showcased a passion University, her alma mater, in her commencement ceremony speech on
for sustainable health care practices and an overall commitment to climate Sthe university campus. Shruthi defended the rights of her 13 classmates
action. Marwah brings experience in youth engagement and working at the who were barred from graduating for their pro-Palestine protests. Around
intersection of healthcare and climate change to the Council. 1,000 of the students staged a walkout after her speech in support of the 13 stu-
“The President and I are committed to addressing environmental justice dents barred by Harvard University from graduating for their protests against
and environmental injustice in everything we do. Because we know we cannot Continued on next page... >>