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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 30

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                               SHRI THANEDAR                                                           AMI BERA

                 Congressman introduces                                            Representative announces

                    resolution prioritizing                                           $7.5 mn for Sacramento

                           mental health                                                     Housing Repair

              ongressman Shri Thanedar celebrated the introduction of the resolu-  S Representative Ami Bera, MD announced $7,589,194 in fund-
              tion prioritizing mental health to the same degree as physical health to   ing from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
        Caddress the epidemics of suicide and drug overdose in the US. This im- U(HUD) to support Sacramento’s City and County Housing Authorities.
        portant resolution, introduced by Rep. Thanedar, aims to establish that men-  These funds were provided through HUD’s Capital Fund Program to support
        tal health conditions require the same degree of attention as physical health   local Public Housing Authorities’ efforts to build, renovate, and modernize
        conditions.                                                         public housing developments.
           “Mental Health is an incredibly personal issue to me. In 1996, I lost my   “I am pleased to announce this vital funding to support public housing
        first wife to her own struggles with mental health. It was a dark time that   developments in Sacramento County,” said Representative Ami Bera. “This
        brought unimaginable pain and a sense of helplessness that words can barely   funding will help support the development and modernization of public hous-
        convey.” said Rep Thanedar. “Her passing was a turning point in my life. It   ing throughout our community, ensuring more of our residents have access to
        led me to realize that mental health struggles are often silent, unseen battles.  a safe and affordable place to live. We must leverage every tool at our disposal
        It taught me the importance of compassion and the need for accessible men-  to build on these efforts and ensure that all Americans have access to the safe
        tal health services for all.”                                       and affordable housing they need to thrive.”
            The resolution has garnered support from Representatives Darren Soto   He wrote in a social media post on X, “I know the impact high prices are
        and Sheila Jackson Lee, the original co-sponsors                    having on hardworking #SacramentoCounty families. However, we’re mak-
           “I am proud to support this crucial resolution to elevate mental health   ing progress. America’s economy grew faster than any other large advanced
        to the same level of importance as physical health, addressing the twin epi-  economy last year. I am working to ensure that all Americans feel this prog-
        demics of suicide and drug overdose with the urgency and compassion they   ress in their daily lives.”
        demand,” said Congressman Soto. “Together, we can create a healthier, more   “Ami” Bera is an American physician and politician who has been serving
        supportive America for all — ensuring that no one has to face these challeng-  as a member of the United States House of Representatives from California
        es alone and that every individual has access to the care they need to thrive.”  since 2013. He is a member of the Democratic Party and represents Califor-
            The resolution is also supported by the American Foundation for Suicide   nia’s 6th congressional district, which is in Sacramento County.
        Prevention saying, “In 2022, alarmingly suicide was the 11th leading cause   In 2023, approximately 250,000 Americans were estimated to be without
        of death with nearly 50,000 people losing their lives to suicide in the United   homes, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development,
        States,” said Laurel Stine, J.D., M.A., Executive Vice President and Chief   with a quarter of them concentrated in New York and Los Angeles. Accord-
        Policy Officer. “AFSP is grateful to Rep. Thanedar, Rep. Jackson Lee, and   ing to Econofact, a non-partisan publication, the average cost of housing has
        Rep. Soto for leading this important resolution to affirm that mental health is   increased by $5,000 per year since 1984.
        treated the same as physical health, to raise awareness for the importance of
        suicide prevention and behavioral health care.”                                                              Continued on next page... >>

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