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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

                       NYC Mayor Appoints Louis Molina

                 as Next Commissioner of Department of

                           Citywide Administrative Services

          New York City Employees Retirement System’s $60 Million Investment Advances Affordable

                               Housing Stabilization and Delivers for New York City Retirees

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            180 cities dedicated to addressing all
                                                                                                              forms of hate, extremism, and polar-
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              ization that can lead to violence.
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-                                                                        Immediately prior to serving as
               ams has announced the ap-                                                                      assistant deputy mayor, he served
        Npointment of Assistant Dep-                                                                          as  the commissioner of the New
        uty Mayor for Public Safety Louis                                                                     York City Department of Correction
        A. Molina as the next commissioner                                                                    (DOC), joining at the start of the
        of  the  New  York  City  Department                                                                  Adams administration in January
        of Citywide Administrative Services                                                                   2022. As DOC commissioner, Moli-
        (DCAS). Assistant Deputy Mayor                                                                        na oversaw reductions in violence in
        Molina, a veteran public servant who                                                                  jails, including significant declines in
        has held leadership positions across                                                                  incidents of slashings and stabbings
        New York City government and oth-                                                                     and assaults on staff, as well as dra-
        er localities, will be tasked with lead-                                                              matic declines in staff  absenteeism
        ing the operational agency that man-                                                                  and improvements to training of uni-
        ages the city’s hiring and training,                                                                  formed staff.
        buildings, procurement processes,                                                                         Molina has also served as chief
        municipal  vehicle  fleet,  and  efforts                                                              internal monitor and acting assistant
        to  reduce  carbon  emissions  from                                                                   commissioner of the Nunez Compli-
        government operations, among oth-                                                                     ance unit at DOC, as well as a senior
        er critical functions.                                                                                advisor for security and emergency
            “DCAS is the foundation of our                                                                    operations at the New York City De-
        city government — ultimately mak-                                                                     partment of Homeless Services, and
        ing it possible for city agencies to car-                                                             as first deputy chief of the New York
        ry out our vision of protecting public                                                                City Taxi and Limousine Commis-
        safety, rebuilding our economy, and   on the lives of New Yorkers.”    “DCAS makes city government work   sion. Molina started his career in law
        making this city more livable,” said   “Louis  Molina  has  been  front   for our city, and I’m grateful to May-  enforcement as a police officer in the
        Mayor Adams.                      and center in Mayor Adams’ mission   or Adams for entrusting me with this   New York City Police Department
            “Louis Molina is a proven and   to protect public safety in our city.   crucial mission for his administra-  and rose to the rank of detective.
        dynamic leader who has used his de-  First as  Department of Correction   tion. I’m eager to help New Yorkers   Molina is also a decorated vet-
        cades of experience, across multiple   commissioner and, most recently,   follow their dreams like I once did   eran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He
        agencies, to make government run   as assistant deputy mayor, he has   and discover their own passion for   received a Bachelor of Arts degree
        better and improve the way we serve   proven himself time and again as an   city service, and I am eager to, once   in Philosophy from Chaminade Uni-
        New Yorkers. I could not think of a   innovative leader with a deep dedi-  again, lead a dedicated group of pub-  versity, a Master of Public Adminis-
        more  deserving  or equipped leader   cation to ensuring the safety of New   lic servants who work hard to deliver   tration  from Marist College  School
        to serve our administration in this   York City and all New Yorkers,” said   for our city every day.”  of Management, a Master of Arts
        critical role.”                   Deputy Mayor Philip Banks III. “I’m   Louis A. Molina is a veteran   degree in Human Rights Studies
            “Since the start of this adminis-  excited to work with Lou in this new   public safety leader with experience   from Columbia University Grad-
        tration, DCAS has been one of the   role where I know he will continue   in government, law enforcement,   uate School of Arts and Sciences,
        most effective vehicles for advancing   to flourish, as he helps hire and train   and corrections. Molina assumed the   and studied abroad at the Universi-
        our administration’s priorities —   the next generation of civil servants,   role of assistant deputy mayor for   ty of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
        from delivering employment oppor-  including those heroic New Yorkers   public safety in October 2023, where   He was also a U.S. Department of
        tunities to underrepresented com-  who keep our city safe.”         he has coordinated with all city agen-  Justice – Office of Justice Programs
        munities  to  making  our  city’s  fleet   “Public service has been my pas-  cies on public safety matters affect-  National Institute of Justice Scholar,
        safer and more sustainable,” said   sion  and  my  life’s  work,  first  serv-  ing New Yorkers, including chairing   and, most recently, received a schol-
        First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright.   ing my country as a United States   Retail Task Force meetings, evaluat-  arship from the Harvard Business
        “We are thrilled to have Louis Mo-  Marine, and then my city as a po-  ing technology for public safety agen-  School Fund for Leadership & In-
        lina, with his deep government op-  lice  officer,  and  in  leadership  roles   cies, hosting community public safety   novation. Molina also has completed
        erations experience and decades   that shaped public safety and vital   outreach briefings, and representing   the Harvard Business School Gener-
        of leadership, steer this invaluable   services for New Yorkers,” said As-  New York City at the European Par-  al Management Program.
        agency through its next chapter, and   sistant Deputy Mayor and incom-  liament with the Strong Cities Net-  Molina will report to First Dep-
        help it make an even bigger impact   ing  DCAS  Commissioner  Molina.   work, a global network of more than   uty Mayor Sheena Wright.

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