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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 22

        GOPIO-CT Celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            of providing support and access to
                                                                                                              mental health services.
        New York, NY
                                                                                                                  The panel discussion generated
              he  Global  Organization  of                                                                    insightful questions from the partici-
              People of Indian Origin - Con-                                                                  pants, and the Q&A session provided
        Tnecticut Chapter (GOPIO-CT)                                                                          valuable takeaways for parents and
        hosted a highly engaging virtual                                                                      participants. It was evident that more
        seminar to celebrate Mental Health                                                                    panels and community conversations
        Awareness Month.                                                                                      are needed to increase awareness
            Dr Thomas Abraham, Chairman                                                                       of mental health in South Asian and
        of GOPIO International and Trustee                                                                    Indian communities. GOPIO CT
        of GOPIO-CT started the seminar                                                                       has a strong platform to offer health
        with introducing GOPIO and its chap-                                                                  and wellness-related seminars for the
        ter in Connecticut with all its activities                                                            community.
        and how one can participate. He then                                                                      Over the last 18 years, GO-
        introduced GOPIO CT President                                                                         PIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO Inter-
        Jaya Daptardar, who was the driving                                                                   national has become an active and
        force behind organizing a wellness   in CT, and Mini Santosh, an Early   not  specific  to  any  particular  race,   dynamic organization hosting inter-
        seminar and panel discussion on May   Childhood Director with Community   ethnicity, or gender. She emphasized   active sessions  with  policy makers
        30th, 2024, via Zoom. The event was   Action Agency of Western CT.  the  importance  of  identifying  early   and academicians, community events,
        well received by the attendees.       At the seminar, Dr. Mohini em-  signs of behavioral changes and chal-  youth mentoring and networking
            The seminar focused on the    phasized that no community is im-  lenges and starting conversations to   workshops, and working with other
        theme of “Embracing Wellness and   mune to mental health issues and   seek help. She also discussed various   area organizations to help create a
        Cultivating Mental Health Aware-  stressed the importance of open con-  therapies and treatments available,   better future. GOPIO-CT – Global
        ness” and featured an impressive and   versations about mental health. She   as well as simple prevention and well-  Organization of People of Indian Ori-
        diverse panel of speakers. The pan-  also highlighted the lack of adequate   ness methods such as breathing tech-  gin – serves as a non-partisan, secular,
        elists included Dr. Mohini Rangana-  awareness  and conversation  about   niques, meditation, and yoga.  civic and community service organiza-
        than, an associate professor of Psychi-  mental health in the South Asian   Mini Santosh, an educator in ear-  tion – promoting awareness of Indian
        atry at Yale School of Medicine and   American community, while also not-  ly childhood education, spoke about   culture, customs and contributions of
        a practicing psychiatrist for 20 years,   ing an eagerness to learn about it.  the need for more attention to mental   people of Indian origin through com-
        and Dr. Jaya Daptardar, an Ayurve-    “It is important not to be shy   health, especially after the pandemic.   munity programs, forums, events and
        dic Doctor with 25 years of experience   about discussing behavioral health is-  She highlighted the stigma surround-  youth activities. It seeks to strengthen
        who also serves as the Chief Compli-  sues,” Dr. Jaya Daptardar underlined   ing mental health in Indian communi-  partnerships and create an ongoing
        ance  Officer  for  Bridges  Healthcare   that behavioral health challenges are   ties and emphasized the importance   dialogue with local communities.

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