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North                       The Indian Eye


         20                                                                                                                  JUNE 06, 2024

         NYC Mayor Adams Makes $10 Million Investment

                      To Seed New Small Business Loan Fund

            City Now Has a Record 183,000 Small Businesses; One in Three Small Businesses in City Formed in

                                  Past Two Years; Outer Boroughs Driving Small Business Growth

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY

               ew York City Mayor Eric
              Adams and New York City
        NDepartment of Small Busi-
        ness Services (SBS) Commissioner
        Kevin D. Kim has closed out “NYC
        Small Business Month” by announc-
        ing the administration’s investment
        of $10 million to seed the city’s next
        major small business loan fund, the
        “NYC Future Fund.” The fund will
        accelerate the growth of hundreds
        of new small businesses in New York
        City by addressing the gap in access
        to affordable capital faced by small
        business owners, particularly ear-
        ly-stage businesses, as well as Black,
        indigenous, and people of color (BI-
        POC) and women entrepreneurs
        that  otherwise  often  cannot  obtain
        traditional bank financing.       of small businesses under our ad-  businesses. Today’s announcement   with hundreds of free services, pro-
            Mayor Adams and New York City   ministration as a result of being laser   reflects  our  continued  commitment   grams from more than 40 city, state,
        Economic Development Corporation   focused on three core principles of   to build a more inclusive and resilient   and federal agencies, and other part-
        (NYCEDC) President and CEO An-    our vision: protecting public safety,  economy for all New Yorkers.”    ner resources, all under one roof to
        drew Kimball also today released a   rebuilding our economy, and making   “I am thrilled that we now have   support the city’s 200,000 local small
        new report on small business growth   our city more livable for working-class   a record number of small businesses   businesses.
        in New York City, showing that New   New Yorkers. As we conclude ‘NYC   in this city,” said Deputy Mayor for   Additionally, last month, Mayor
        York  City currently has more small   Small Business Month’ with our $10   Housing, Economic Development,  Adams launched “Run This Town,” a
        businesses than ever  recorded in   million commitment to create a new   and Workforce Maria Torres Spring-  multi-media advertising campaign to
        its history. As of 2023, there were   fund to help small business owners   er. “This milestone is a testament to   engage diverse New Yorkers and help
        183,000  small  businesses  across  the   access capital, we will continue to   this administration’s efforts to make   them apply for thousands of available
        city — over 1,000 more than pre-pan-  support the city’s 200,000 small busi-  it easier for small businesses to start,  city government jobs.
        demic levels. Additionally, the report   nesses that are the lifeblood of our   grow, and thrive in the city and it is a   The announcement followed
        found that 62,000 small businesses   economy.”                      great way to cap off ‘NYC Small Busi-  the launch of “Jobs NYC,” a multi-
        were created in the past two years   “This $10 million investment will   ness Month.’ As the city’s dynamic   pronged citywide effort to reduce
        alone, representing one in three small   serve as a catalyst for thousands of   small business community continues   barriers to economic opportunities
        businesses in the city.           new businesses, particularly those   to evolve, we will stay laser focused   and  deliver workforce development
            While new business formation   owned by BIPOC and women en-     on both supporting their growth and   services directly to communities
        remains concentrated in central   trepreneurs, that often face systemic   connecting them to local talent.”  across the five boroughs that are ex-
        business districts, including Midtown   barriers to traditional financing,” said   The announcement was made   periencing high unemployment. Both
        Manhattan, net business growth has   First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright.  as the city concluded its second an-  campaigns are expected  to  further
        been strongest in the outer boroughs.  “Since the beginning of the Adams   nual “NYC Small Business Month,”  reduce the unacceptable disparities
        North Brooklyn continues to lead the   Administration, we have helped con-  a  five-borough  celebration  of  local   in employment between Black, Lati-
        city’s small business recovery, adding   nect $265 million in grant and loan   businesses with resource fairs and   no, and white communities. The Ad-
        1,000 small businesses since 2019.  funding to small businesses, including   events led by SBS, local Chambers of   ams administration continues to host
           “When we create  the conditions   through our ‘NYC Small Business   Commerce, and Business Improve-  hiring halls to bring both public- and
        for small businesses to succeed, our   Opportunity Fund’ launched last year,  ment  Districts  citywide.  The  first-ev-  private-sector job opportunities to
        entire city wins,” said Mayor Adams.  which was the city’s largest ever pub-  er  city-run  “Small  Business  Month   neighborhoods  across  the  five  bor-
        “We have reached a record number   lic-private partnership fund for small   Expo” capped the month’s activities   oughs on a monthly basis.

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