Page 16 - The Indian EYE 060724
P. 16

JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 16

        frastructure projects, including rail;                                                                       China’s Reaction
        ports modernisation; clean energy                                                                         In response to the Joint State-
        and semiconductor supply chains and                                                                   ment of the Japan-Philippines-US
        deployments; agribusiness to further                                                                  Trilateral,  the  PRC  Foreign  Affairs
        connect and drive economic growth                                                                     and Ministry of National Defense
        in each hub, and civilian port up-                                                                    issued strong opposition. A Global
        grades at Subic Bay”. In late October                                                                 Times report termed the trilater-
        2023, the Philippines had dropped                                                                     al Summit an “anti-China” gath-
        out of several projects in China’s Belt                                                               ering, steeping closer to forming a
        and Road Initiative (BRI), including                                                                  mini-NATO in the Asia-Pacific. The
        building of two railway lines in Luzon                                                                Chinese spokesperson for National
        and one in Mindano, after Beijing                                                                     Defense, Wu Qian, even stated that
        did not respond to funding requests                                                                   “China has indisputable sovereignty
        on the railway projects. However, the                                                                 over the South China Sea islands and
        withdrawal is also said to be because                                                                 their adjacent waters, which is solidly
        of the mounting tensions between                                                                      grounded in history and the law”.
        China and the Philippines in the                                                                          Describing  the Nansha Islands
        South China Sea. Therefore, the Lu-                                                                   or Spratly Islands as Nansha Qundao
        zon Economic Corridor arrives at an                                                                   and Scarborough Shoal as Huangyan
        opportune time to act as a strategic                                                                  Dao, the Chinese Spokesperson for
        counterweight against China’s BRI                                                                     the Ministry of National Defense
        in the region.                     To a certain degree, the US and Japan have reiterated their commitment to continue support-  firmly  stated  that  these  islands  are
            The Philippine government has
        already presented a list of 28 priority    ing the Philippine Coast Guard’s capacity building (File photo/Agency)  “far beyond the scope of Philippine
                                                                                                              territory defined by a series of inter-
        projects in areas such as “infrastruc-                                                                national  treaties.  Additionally,  the
        ture  development,  electronics  and   technology, which is crucial for se-  ippines  is  finding  itself  at  the  fore-  Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
        semiconductors,  food  production   cure telecommunications networks,   front of regional tensions, the US and   Spokesperson, Mao Ning, stated that
        and storage and renewable energy   as another area of collaboration for   Japan have stressed their continued   the Taiwan question is purely Chi-
        sourcing in the proposed Luzon Eco-  technological advancement to bene-  support to deepen cooperation for   na’s internal affair, and regarding the
        nomic Corridor”. Once these proj-  fit all three nations.           a free and open Indo-Pacific. There   Japanese claims over the Senkaku is-
        ects are running, the LEC will have                                 have been discussions on conducting   lands, the spokesperson stressed that
        the potential to be a significant driv-  Climate Partnership        an at-sea trilateral exercise and other   China has indisputable sovereignty
        er of economic growth and regional    With an eye on the existential   maritime activities in the Indo-Pacif-  over Diaoyu Dao (Senkaku) and its
        integration in the Philippines. How-  threat of climate change, the Ja-  ic. The announcement of the trilat-  affiliated islands and Nanhai Zhudao.
        ever, its success will depend on over-  pan-Philippines-US chapter is seek-  eral maritime dialogue later in 2024
        coming implementation challenges   ing  to  expand  the  trilateral  cooper-  also comes as a collective response to
        and ensuring the project benefits the   ation in the Philippines by focusing   promote maritime cooperation and   Conclusion
        Philippines in the long run.      on “deployment of clean technol-  coordination.                         Essentially, the Japan-Philip-
            It is also to be noted that the                                     To a certain degree, the US and   pines-US Trilateral chapter is look-
        South  Korean  firm  HD  Hyundai   ogies, including renewable energy   Japan have reiterated their com-  ing at the growing importance of
                                          projects  such as solar and wind, to
        Heavy Industries for Shipbuilding   support energy requirements in the   mitment to continue supporting the   the Philippines as a counterweight
        and Offshore Engineering and the   Philippines  and  help  ensure  a  just   Philippine Coast Guard’s capacity   to an assertive China’s expansive
        US equity firm Cerberus announced   energy  transition”.  The  three  coun-  building through Japan’s recent de-  territorial claims. This trilateral also
        the finalisation of a lease agreement   tries also plan to deepen coopera-  livery of twelve Coast Guard vessels   acknowledges  how  the  Philippines
        to invest in the Agila Subic Shipyard   tion  on civilian  nuclear workforce   and plans to provide five additional   desires to be a strong and equal part-
        on 15 May 2024. With the launch   development through a trilateral di-  vessels to the Philippines. There are   ner, leveraging its strategic value to
        of the Luzon Corridor and the an-  alogue expected to be held in 2024   deliberations about advancing trilat-  gain economic and military benefits
        nouncements of investments in the   itself to advance the Philippines’   eral defence cooperation through   from the US and Japan. The Sum-
        Subic Bay region, it is becoming clear   civil nuclear energy programme.     combined naval training and exer-  mit marked a significant chapter for
        that the Philippines is fast becoming   In order to foster a clean energy   cises between the three countries   geopolitical developments within the
        the epicentre for strategic alignment   transition, the three countries are   and additional partners, such as the   Indo-Pacific, which is crucial for in-
        for resisting Chinese pressure.                                     recently concluded MCA between    creased economic cooperation, tech-
                                          supporting the promotion of resilient   Japan, the Philippines, the United   nological advancement, maritime
                                          and reliable global supply chains for
            Critical and Emerging         critical minerals needed for produc-  States, and Australia, and by coordi-  security and a collective front against
                 Technologies             ing and supplying batteries for elec-  nating US and Japanese support for   regional security challenges. Howev-
                                                                            Philippine defence modernisation
                                                                                                              er, given the reactions of the PRC, it
            Moreover, the Japan-Philip-   tric vehicles in the global market.   priorities.                   has also perhaps resulted in exacer-
        pines-US Trilateral is also commit-  The US and Japan are also looking   The Trilateral having jointly ex-  bating tensions in the South and East
                                          forward to the Philippines becoming
        ting to develop critical and emerg-  a founding member of the Minerals   pressed  serious concerns  regarding   China Sea.
        ing technologies in the Philippines.   Security Partnership Forum, which   the situation in the East China Sea,   Dr. Tunchinmang Langel is a Research
        This is indicated through the Joint   would further help secure and diver-  also jointly affirmed the importance   Fellow at the Indian Council of World
        Statement, which emphasised how   sify their collective clean energy sup-  of peace and stability across the Tai-  Affairs (ICWA), New Delhi. Views
        the US and Japan will jointly invest   ply chains.                  wan Strait, calling it an indispensable   expressed are personal
        in developing a skilled workforce                                   element of global security and pros-
        for  the Philippines’ semiconductor                                 perity. They also have reiterated that   This article first appeared
        industry, strengthening regional sup-   Peace and Security          there is no change in their basic posi-  on the website ( of Indian
        ply chains. This includes the Open    In light of the contestations in   tions on Taiwan and called for a peace-  Council of World Affairs, New Delhi,
        Radio Accessed Network (RAN)      the South China Sea, where the Phil-  ful resolution of cross-Strait issues.  on May 29, 2024

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