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OPINION                                                                  JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 14

         A New Trilateral for the Indo-Pacific:

                 Japan, the Philippines,

                     and the United States

              With an eye on the existential threat of climate change, the Japan-Philippines-US chapter is seeking to expand the trilateral
          cooperation in the Philippines by focusing on “deployment of clean technologies, including renewable energy projects such as solar
                         and wind, to support energy requirements in the Philippines and help ensure a just energy transition”


               n 11 April 2024, the leaders
               of Japan, the Philippines and
        Othe United States (US) met
        for  the  first-ever  Summit  between
        the three countries, announcing the
        beginning of a new trilateral chap-
        ter  in  the  Indo-Pacific.  Since  2020,
        the establishment of new minilateral
        partnerships,  specifically  the  institu-
        tionalisation of the US-ROK-Japan
        trilateral in 2023 and the AUKUS
        in 2021, have been conveying a rap-
        id consolidation for newer security
        groupings amidst the rising strategic
        and security challenges in the In-

        Prior to the Japan-Philip-
        pines-US Trilateral Summit,
        the Defence Ministers of the
        four nation-groupings of US-Ja-

        pan-Philippines-Australia had
        also  issued a  joint statement       An Indian Coast Guard ship, Samudra Paheredar in Manila, Philippines to demonstrate marine pollution response capabilities towards
        on 6 April 2024, announcing                                              the India-Asean initiative (ANI)
        to conduct a Maritime Cooper-
                                          of China’s (PRC) increasing asser-  “strong opposition to any attempts   declaring  it  as  the  first  partnership
        ative Activity (MCA) within the  tiveness in the East and South Chi-  by the PRC to unilaterally change the   for “Global Infrastructure and Eco-
        Philippines Exclusive Economic    na Sea. Questions are being raised   status quo by force or coercion in the   nomic Corridor in the Indo-Pacific”
                                          about whether  these new trilaterals   East China Sea, including through   also  known as the  Partnership for
        Zone on 7 April 2024. In fact,  and minilaterals are actually going to   actions that seek to undermine Ja-  Global Infrastructure and Invest-
        this new four-nation grouping     help balance the status quo or if they   pan’s longstanding and peaceful ad-  ment (PGII), which is a shared G7
                                          will further exacerbate the complex-
                                                                            ministration of the Senkaku Islands.”
                                                                                                              commitment to advance public and
        is now being touted across in-    ity of the regional security issues in   Additionally, the three countries   private  investments  in  sustainable,
        ternational media as  the new     the Indo-Pacific.                 have jointly expressed their oppo-  inclusive, resilient and quality infra-
                                                                            sition to economic coercion while
        Quad or “Squad”.                                                    stressing the importance of a rules-  The Luzon Economic Corridor is
                                             Key Areas of Cooperation
                                              The Japan-Philippines-US Tri-  based economic order.            expected to support connectivity be-
            An overview of these emerg-   lateral chapter is to primarily address                             tween Subic Bay, Clark, Manila and
        ing minilateral groupings indicates   its deliverables towards the Philip-  Luzon Economic Corridor   Batangas in the Philippines, which
                                                                                                              will be undertaken through “coordi-
        an underlying  common rationale,   pines. The Joint Vision Statement    On 11 April 2024, the Japan-Phil-  nated investments in high-impact in-
        which is to address the challenges   of the new Japan-Philippines-US   ippines-US Trilateral launched the
        arising from the People’s Republic   grouping however underscores their   Luzon Economic Corridor (LEC),     Continued on next page... >>

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