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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

                                        INDIAN ELECTIONS 2024

         Tharoor survives, Kangana wins easily

                                 and Smriti bites the dust

                       A look at some of the star candidates and their performance in the polls

                               Shashi Tharoor of Congress

        OUR BUREAU                        the people of Thiruvananthapuram.
                                              Congress leader Tharoor has
        New Delhi
                                          maintained  a  winning  streak  from
              fter a neck-and-neck fight, Con-  2009 to 2019 in this seat.
              gress incumbent MP Shashi       In Amethi, Congress’ KL Shar-
        ATharoor has won Kerala’s Thi-    ma defeated BJP leader Smriti Irani
        ruvananthapuram Lok Sabha seat    who said on Tuesday that she gave 10
        against BJP’s Rajeev Chandrasekhar   years of her life to Amethi and will
        for a record fourth term. In the early   continue to serve the area in times                   Kangana Ranaut
        trends, BJP’s Rajeev Chandrasekhar   to come. “I express my gratitude to
        was leading by over 20,000 votes.   all the BJP party workers and sup-  the people of Amethi...the counting   ning from Mandi constituency in the
        However,  Tharoor later  gained  the   porters, those who have worked in   is still taking place, so I won’t call it a   state on her electoral debut and stat-
        lead, according to ECI data.      the  service  of  the  constituency  and   victory now,” Sharma told ANI ear-  ed that he stands by the people of the
            The Congress incumbent MP     the party with dedication and loyalty.  lier. Sharma has got 5,36,680 votes   constituency and would continue to
        won the seat by a margin of over   Today, I am grateful to PM Narendra   while Smriti Irani has got 3,70,754.  work for its development.
        16,077 votes. Tharoor said that the   Modi and CM Yogi Adityanath that   Meanwhile in Punjab, as the Shi-  Speaking to ANI, Singh said, “I
        BJP  put  up  an  enormous  fight  and   their governments have completed   romani Akali Dal (SAD) was leading   would like to thank the people of
        described it as a super over condition.  the pending works of 30 years in just   on the Bathinda seat, party leader   Mandi for giving a 45 per cent vote
           “This is a blessing for the fourth   5 years. I congratulate those who win.  and candidate Harsimrat Kaur Badal   share to Congress. I congratulate BJP
        time, and I will do my best to be wor-  I will continue to be in the service of   thanked the party workers, saying   candidate Kangana Ranaut for win-
        thy of that trust to serve them well.   the people of Amethi,” Irani said at   that the victory belongs to the people   ning the Mandi Lok Sabha seat and
        The world T20 is going on, but the   a press conference.            of the constituency. “I want to thank   hope that the development works
        super over was here. The BJP put up   “We will strengthen the organi-  my party workers who worked hard   promised by them are completed. I
        an  enormous  fight.  One  important   zation. We are the ones who have   day and night. This victory belongs to   stand with the people of Mandi. Like
        message from Suresh Gopi in Thris-  served  the  area with  devotion.  I   the people of Bathinda who gave me   I said earlier, whether we win or lose,
        sur is that his systematic outreach to   went to every village in the area and   an opportunity to serve them”, Badal   we stand by them and will work for
        minority communities. It is a very   worked. I gave 10 years of my life to   said while speaking to reporters in   the development of Mandi.”
        strong message to the BJP that a   this area,” she added.           Punjab’s Bathinda.                   “Whether it is the smart city proj-
        communal  campaign  won’t  go  very   KL Sharma, the long associate     In Himachal Pradesh, Congress   ect or the tunnel infrastructure, we will
        far in Kerala,” Tharoor said.     of the Gandhi family was given the   leader and candidate from the Man-  work to take our development work
            Rajeev   Chandrasekhar   ex-  responsibility of winning back the   di Lok Sabha seat, Vikramaditya   forward. We will also analyse why we
        pressed his disappointment over the   party’s  once-held  bastion.  “This  is   Singh, congratulated actor and BJP   got left behind and work to perform
        loss but affirmed his commitment to   the victory of the Gandhi family and   candidate Kangana Ranaut for win-  better in the next elections,” he said.

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