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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

        asm, and new resolves.”                                                                                   “People realized that if PM
            BJP president JP Nadda said on                                                                    Modi gets another term, the next at-
        Tuesday  that  it  is  for  the  first  time                                                          tack will be on the Constitution and
        an alliance is going to form the gov-                                                                 democracy of the country. It is for-
        ernment at the Centre for the third                                                                   tunate that the BJP won’t succeed in
        consecutive time as he thanked peo-                                                                   their purpose now,” he added.
        ple for supporting the NDA which is                                                                       As none of the major parties has
        poised to win 290 seats in the 2024                                                                   received a full majority in the Lok
        Lok Sabha elections.                                                                                  Sabha elections with counting almost
            Nadda also congratulated Prime                                                                    coming to an end, the Congress party
        Minister Narendra Modi for win-                                                                       will hold discussions with its allies as
        ning the people’s mandate for an-                                                                     well  as  “new  partners,”  party  pres-
        other term. “After the formation of                                                                   ident Mallikarjun Kharge said on
        the NDA, it’s for the first time in the                                                               Tuesday.
        history of Indian politics that an alli-                                                                  He  said  that  the  “fight”  is  not
        ance will form a government for the                                                                   over, and they will continue to work
        third time in a row. We are fortunate                                                                 for people’s rights and protection of
        to witness the moment when Modi ji                                                                    the Constitution and democracy.
        will become Prime Minister for the                                                                        The results reveal a strong per-
        third time,” Nadda said while ad-  Union Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Nitin Gadkari during the celebra-  formance by the INDIA bloc against
        dressing the BJP workers at the party   tions as he leads from Nagpur Lok Sabha constituency, in Nagpur on Tuesday (ANI)  the incumbent BJP-led NDA. Shiv
        headquarters in Delhi on Tuesday.                                                                     Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut re-
            “We all know that be it elections                                                                 marked that Maharashtra, Uttar
        or leading the nation, PM Modi has   “This election results are ‘janta ka re-  Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo yatra and   Pradesh, and West Bengal have or-
        always led the country, party, and the   sult’. This is the victory of people and   Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra formed the   chestrated the most significant ‘Khe-
        people from the front. I congratulate   the democracy. We were saying that   foundation of the party’s campaign.  la’ of the election.
        him,” he added.                   the fight is Modi vs the people. In the   “Congress and the INDIA bloc   “There is going to be a change in
            Recalling the victory of the   18th Lok Sabha election, we humbly   fought the elections positively, gov-  the country. We look at this positive-
        NDA in the 2014 and 2019 general   accept the result. People have not   ernment machinery tried to create   ly. The exit polls, which were not giv-
        elections, the BJP chief said, “We   given a full majority to any party.   hurdles for us, our accounts were   ing us even 100 seats, are today saying
        know that the country took a new   BJP asked to vote for one person, the   frozen, ran cases against our leaders.   that the government will be formed.
        turn in politics and scripted history   mandate has gone against Modi. It is   But, still, we continued to raise the   The BJP will lose more seats by the
        after 2014. Under the leadership of   his political and moral loss. The per-  issue of farmers, labourers, inflation,   evening, and they will fall below 240.
        PM Modi, a strong government was   son who sought votes on his name,   unemployment and misuse of central   Now they are calling on everyone to
        formed after 2014. This strong gov-  it’s a huge loss for him.”     agencies. People in huge numbers   form the government. Maharashtra,
        ernment was again blessed by the peo-  The Congress President lauded   joined us. Both the yatras of Rahul   UP, and West Bengal have done the
        ple in 2019. PM Modi’s policies have   the party’s campaign and said they   Gandhi became the foundation of   biggest ‘khela’,” Raut said.
        been blessed once again in 2024 and   continued to raise the issues of the   our campaign. We gave our 5 Nyays   “The people of the country have
        we are witnessing this historic day.”   public  such  as  inflation  and  unem-  and 25 Guarantees into our cam-  given a farewell to Narendra Modi.
            On the other hand, the Congress   ployment. He also said that Rahul   paign,” Kharge said.        The BJP has not got a majority in
        posted a picture of Congress Presi-                                                                   2024,” he added.
        dent Mallikarjun Kharge, party lead-                                                                      He further pointed out that peo-
        er Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi,                                                                     ple have responded to the BJP, which
        and  former  AICC  president  Sonia                                                                   has committed injustice by breaking
        Gandhi, posing with the victory sym-                                                                  the parties of Sharad Pawar and Ud-
        bol. It was captioned “Dhanyavad                                                                      dhav Thackeray. “Wherever Modi
        Hindustan.”                                                                                           and Shah have done injustice, they
            It also posted a picture of the In-                                                               have got the answer from there. Sha-
        dian Constitution with Rahul Gand-                                                                    rad Pawar and Uddhav Thackeray’s
        hi  in the background, captioned,                                                                     party  was  broken  in Maharashtra.
        “Hindustan ki Janta ki Awaaz – Sam-                                                                   The  people  here  have  given their
        vidhan.”                                                                                              answer. If they try to form the gov-
            The  Congress  party  welcomed                                                                    ernment by breaking the people, the
        the results of the Lok Sabha elec-                                                                    people will come out on the streets.
        tions, and termed it the “political                                                                   We will win five seats in Mumbai by
        and moral defeat” of Prime Minister                                                                   this evening,” Sanjay Raut added.
        Narendra Modi on whose name the                                                                           Meanwhile, in an interesting
        Bharatiya Janata Party campaign was                                                                   take, Rashtriya Janata Dal leader
        run. This comes after the BJP failed                                                                  Misa Bharti said Nitish Kumar would
        to cross the majority mark on its own.                                                                be welcomed into the alliance.”
        According to the Election Commis-                                                                         With the BJP failing to get a
        sion of India, BJP is currently ahead                                                                 clear majority, it will be dependent
        on 239 seats. But, the overall tally                                                                  on leaders like Nitish Kumar and
        of the BJP-led National Democratic                                                                    Chandrababu Naidu for forming the
        Alliance (NDA) is close to 300. The                                                                   government. These two may emerge
        majority mark in 272.                    Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addresses a press conference in New Delhi    as the real kingmakers as the ruling
            Addressing the press conference                  on Tuesday (ANI Photo/Shrikant Singh)            party faces a reality check after 10
        on Tuesday, Mallikarjun Kharge said,                                                                  years in power.

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