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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                        INDIAN ELECTIONS 2024

             How UP revived the Congress party

        and showed faith in the Gandhi family

         Rahul Gandhi won the seat of Rae Bareli by defeating BJP’s Dinesh Pratap Singh

          by a margin of 3,90,030 votes. Gandhi had contested this seat aiming to save the

                       lone bastion of the party in the state after he lost Amethi in 2019

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Lucknow
              he most remarkable story for
              the opposition in this election
        Tis from Uttar Pradesh where
        the Samajwadi Party belied the pre-
        diction of pollsters and is ahead of
        BJP. While SP won 37 seats in the
        state, BJP got 32 seats.
            The Congress, which fought the
        election in alliance with the Sama-
        jwadi Party, has also done better and
        won eight seats. BJP lost in Faizabad,
        which includes the temple town of
            Congress leader Rahul Gandhi,
        who registered massive victories on
        the seats of Rae Bareli and Wayanad
        in the Lok Sabha elections, said he
        has not decided yet which of the two
        seats he would retain.                          Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge,
            He also thanked the voters of
        both constituencies for supporting   party General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and party leader Rahul Gandhi show victory signs while posing for a picture after the Lok Sabha
        him  in  the  elections.  “I  have  won                       election trends and results, in New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI Photo)
        from Rae Bareli and Wayanad and
        I thank the voters. I need to decide   “UP ki janta ne kamaal karke   tion results and said that she is most   that she gave 10 years of her life to
        which seat I will retain. I haven’t de-  dikha diya...The people of UP under-  proud of Uttar Pradesh.  Amethi  and  will continue  to  serve
        cided yet,” Rahul said at the party’s   stood the politics of the country and   “I am very happy... I want to   the area in times to come.
        press conference on Tuesday.      the danger to the Constitution, and   tell the people of UP that they have   “I express my gratitude to all the
            Rahul Gandhi won the seat of   they safeguarded the Constitution.   shown a lot of discretion. I am most   BJP party workers and supporters,
        Rae Bareli by defeating BJP’s Dinesh   I want to thank all the states   proud of UP...” said Priyanka Gandhi   those who have worked in the ser-
        Pratap Singh by a margin of 3,90,030   but I would especially thank Uttar   Vadra.                    vice of the constituency and the party
        votes. Gandhi had contested this seat   Pradesh. I thank them for supporting   Notably, in the state of Uttar   with dedication and loyalty. Today, I
        aiming to save the lone bastion of the   the Congress party and the INDIA   Pradesh, the BJP was ahead on 31   am grateful to PM Narendra Modi
        party in the state after he lost Amethi   alliance,” he said.       seats, while its allies Rashtriya Lok   and CM Yogi Adityanath that their
        in 2019.                              The Congress leader added that   Dal  and  Apna  Dal  were  ahead  on   governments have completed the
            The Congress leader also won   the party will hold meeting with IN-  two and one seats respectively. This   pending works of 30 years in just 5
        the seat of Wayanad, which paved   DIA bloc partners on Wednesday.  is much lower than BJP’s 2019 tally,   years. I congratulate those who win.
        his entry to the Lok Sabha in 2019.   “We are going to have a meeting   when it registered a massive victory   I will continue to be in the service of
        He defeated Communist Party of In-  with our INDIA alliance partners   winning 62 out of 80 seats. The IN-  the people of Amethi,” Irani said at a
        dia-Marxist candidate Annie Raja by   tomorrow...we respect our alliance   DIA bloc has registered a strong per-  press conference.
        3,64,422 votes. Congress leader laud-  partners and we won’t make state-  formance with Samajwadi Party and   “We will strengthen the orga-
        ed the people of Uttar Pradesh after   ments to press without asking them,”   Congress being ahead on 38 and 7   nization. We are the ones who have
        the INDIA bloc registered a strong   the Congress leader said.      seats respectively.               served the area with devotion. I
        performance in the state in the Lok   Congress leader Priyanka Gand-    Meanwhile, Congress’ KL Shar-  went to every village in the area and
        Sabha elections, defying the predic-  hi Vadra on Tuesday expressed hap-  ma won against BJP leader Smriti   worked. I gave 10 years of my life to
        tions made in the exit polls.     piness over the 2024 Lok Sabha elec-  Irani from the Amethi seat. She said   this area,” she added.

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