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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 32

                              RUCHIRA KAMBOJ                                searchers in Ankur Gupta’s lab dis-

         UN Ambassador attends ‘Unlock                                      covered how tiny charged particles,
                                                                            called ions, move within a complex
                                                                            network of minuscule pores. The
                 Your Inner Power’ event                                    breakthrough  could lead  to the  de-
                                                                            velopment  of  more  efficient  energy
                                                                            storage devices, such as supercapaci-
                                                                            tors, said Gupta.
                                                                               “Given the critical role of ener-
                                                                            gy in the future of the planet, I felt
                                                                            inspired to apply my chemical engi-
                                                                            neering knowledge to advancing en-
                                                                            ergy storage devices,” Gupta said. “It
                                                                            felt like the topic was somewhat un-
                                                                            derexplored and, as such, the perfect
                                                                                Gupta explained that several chemical engineering techniques are used
                                                                            to study flow in porous materials such as oil reservoirs and water filtration, but
                                                                            they have not been fully utilized in some energy storage systems.
                                                                                Their findings modify Kirchhoff’s law, which has governed current flow
                                                                            in electrical circuits since 1845 and is a staple in high school students’ science
                                                                            classes. Unlike electrons, ions move due to both electric fields and diffusion,
                                                                            and the researchers determined that their movements at pore intersections
                                                                            are different from what was described in Kirchhoff’s law.
                                                                               “That’s the leap of the work,” Gupta said. “We found the missing link.”
              he ‘Unlock Your Inner Power’ event with Didi Krishna and Krishna
              Das in Manhattan was a resounding success, drawing over 600 guests            DR HARI KRISHNA SHUKLA
        Tincluding distinguished dignitaries such as Unites Nations Permanent
        Ambassador to India Ruchira Kamboj, Jagdish Sewhani, Anna Yusim of Yale   Queens resident honored with
        University, Dr. Candice Perkins, Kunal Sood, community leaders. Hosted by
        the Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace, the event united the Western and
        Indian communities in a profound evening of spiritual enrichment and cultural          Liberty Medal
        celebration. Didi Krishna Kumari is an illustrious Spiritual leader and working
        Chairperson of Sadhu Vaswani Mission.
            Grammy-nominated devotional singer Krishna Das, joined by Nina Rao
        and Arjun on the tabla, mesmerized the audience with his enchanting kirtan
        and soulful devotional singing. UN Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj set the tone
        with a powerful speech, highlighting the importance of inner strength and
        global harmony. Didi Krishna, the current spiritual leader of the Sadhu Vas-
        wani Mission, captivated the attendees with her insightful talk and meditation,
        guiding everyone to the source of their inner power. The event also featured a
        recorded video message from the revered spiritual master, Dada J.P. Vaswani,
        whose timeless wisdom touched many hearts.
            The evening was a testament to the unifying power of spirituality, as at-
        tendees from diverse backgrounds came together to explore their inner po-
        tential and foster a sense of community. The Sadhu Vaswani Center for World
        Peace, dedicated to spreading the teachings of Dada JP Vaswani, hosted this
        impactful event.
                                ANKUR GUPTA                                      enator Toby Ann Stavisky presented Dr Hari Shukla with the Liberty
                                                                                 Medal on the Senate floor, recognizing his life-saving work in the field of
                                                                            Sneo-natal pediatric medicine. Dr Shukla, a Queens resident, has operat-
        Professor leads the breakthrough  ed his own practice in Flushing, Queens, for more than three decades, serving
                        in energy storage                                   thousands of young patients, with a focus on the South Asian community.
                                                                                Dr Shukla has received international acclaim for his work in advancing
                                                                            the science of how doctors treat infants born prematurely. Dr Shukla is most
            magine if your dead laptop or phone could charge in a minute or if an   renowned for developing a mathematical formula that helps to deliver critical
            electric car could be fully powered in 10 minutes. A new research led by   fluids and medications more safely to premature children both intravenously
        IAnkur Gupta, and his team of CU Boulder scientists could potentially lead   and through the umbilical cord. Known as “Shukla’s formula,” the doctor’s
        to such advances. Ankur Gupta is an assistant professor of chemical and bio-  innovation improved this process by more than 25% over previous methods,
        logical engineering at the US-based University of Colorado Boulder. He grew   helping to save thousands of lives around the world.
        up near Delhi in India and moved to the US in 2012.                     Dr Shukla’s life’s work in the field of neo-natal pediatric medicine war-
            Gupta did his Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology   rants this honor. Senator Stavisky presented the Liberty Medal, New York
        (IIT) Delhi in 2012 and MS, Chemical Engineering Practice, from Massa-  State’s highest award, during a session of the Senate on May 15th.
        chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2014. Gupta completed his PhD in   This is the first time Senator Toby Ann Stavisky has presented the Liberty
        Chemical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in   Medal to any constituent. Dr. Shukla was joined by his wife Kirti and family
        2017.                                                               friends Dilip and Dipa Nath at the medal presentation.
            Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, re-                                    Continued on next page... >>

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