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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 06, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 38

         Bloodbath after boom: Markets go negative

            as BJP & NDA fail to perform as expected

         On Monday, Indian benchmark indices had closed at record highs after exit polls

                           indicated a comfortable majority for the NDA government

        OUR BUREAU

            ndian stock indices witnessed
           a bloodbath on the day the Lok
        ISabha were announced, where
        incumbent BJP performed below par
        and fell short of exit poll predictions
        and the majority mark on its own.
            The  idea  of  a  coalition  govern-
        ment lead by BJP at the center has
        led to widespread market anxiety
        and a sharp decline in stock indices.
        The BJP, which has been the domi-
        nant force in Indian politics for the
        past decade, is seen as a pro-Industry
        party whose policies have generally
        favored economic growth and mar-
        ket stability. The failure to secure a
        clear majority to BJP of its own rais-
        es concerns about the formation of a
        stable government and the continua-
        tion of economic reforms.
            At the closing bell, Sensex closed
        at 72,079.05 points, down 4,389.73
        points or 5.74 per cent, while Nif-            People watch the display screen as Sensex opens in red as NDA seats drop during the counting of votes for
        ty  closed  at  21,884.50 points,  down                           the Lok Sabha elections in Mumbai on Tuesday (ANI)
        1,379.40 points or 5.93 per cent. All
        Nifty sectoral indices, barring Nifty
        FMCG, were deep in the red today.  during Covid days.               important support of coalition part-  tor optimism on Monday.
        Nifty metal, Nifty bank, Nifty financial   The Rupee closed weaker   ners, markets look jittery about the   “After the media’s exit polls, now
        services, Nifty PSU bank, Nifty private   against  the US  dollar  on  Tuesday,  prospects of strong decision making.   the markets in a sense, barometer of
        bank, Nifty realty, Nifty oil and gas,  depreciating by 38 paise to close at   Markets believe that the reformistic   what they are expecting to happen
        slumped the most, NSE data showed.  83.53. It closed at 83.15 on Monday.  approach, which was a hallmark of   on June 4 has also come about when
           “The steep fall is due to the re-  The Rupee had been largely steady   the previous two terms, might take   the Sensex and Nifty have shown a
        sults so far falling short of the exit   for the past year, largely due to RBI’s   a backseat in the third term. Howev-  huge hike of almost 2000+ points.
        polls which the market had dis-   intervention.                     er, our sense is that it is still early to   It  shows  that  the  confidence,  not
        counted yesterday. If BJP doesn’t    “This  uncertainty  triggered  a   jump to conclusions and should ide-  just the markets but also the people
        get a majority on its own there will   panic sell-off across various asset   ally wait for a clearer picture,” said   of India bestowed upon Modi govt.
        be disappointment and this is get-  classes, impacting economic growth.  Chowdhury.                   This is just one of the indicators,”
        ting reflected in the market. Also, it   The Dollar-Rupee exchange rate   On Monday, Indian benchmark   Poonawalla said.
        is possible that Modi 3.O may not   may continue to rise, potentially   indices had closed at record highs,   But Samajwadi Party chief Akh-
        be as reform-oriented as the market   reaching 83.90, with 83.40 serving as   driven by fresh buying from investors   ilesh Yadav said that it is because
        expected and may turn more welfare-  the immediate support level,” said   after exit polls indicated a comfort-  people are trying to earn a profit and
        oriented,”  said  V  K  Vijayakumar,  Jateen Trivedi, VP Research Analyst   able majority for the NDA govern-  tomorrow, they will get away. Akh-
        Chief  Investment  Strategist,  Geojit  - Commodity and Currency, LKP Se-  ment. After the stock market opened   ilesh said, “This (Sensex-Nifty mark
        Financial Services.               curities.                         with an unprecedented uptick on   record highs) is because people are
            At one point during the after-    Manish  Chowdhury,  Head  of   Monday, Bharatiya Janata Party   trying to earn a profit, tomorrow they
        noon,  Indian  equity  indices  plum-  Research, StoxBox, asserted that   leader Shehzad Poonawalla on Mon-  will get away. Amul has increased the
        meted over 8 per cent on Tuesday,  markets have reacted sharply to the   day said that markets are confident   price of milk by Rs 2 to improve your
        as poll trends indicated a closer than   initial trends of the NDA leading on   about BJP returning to power.  health. They have increased prices to
        anticipated  fight  for  the  incumbent   around 290 seats, way less than as   The stock market reached an all-  help their people earn profits. There
        Narendra Modi-led NDA govern-     projected.                        time high after exit polls forecast a   is a possibility that they will have a
        ment. Sensex logged it worst session   “With the NDA still looking to   decisive victory for the BJP-led NDA   slow counting and have power cuts
        in over four years, it witnessed back   form a government, though with the   coalition, sparking widespread inves-  at night.”

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