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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 02, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 34

                           Demonetization, again?

             Banks, industry see no impact

           of withdrawal of Rs 2000 notes

         In digital payments, India has been witnessing new milestones, in both value and volume terms, which indicate
                                         the robustness of our payment ecosystem and acceptance

        OUR BUREAU

        New Delhi
           n  a  sudden  move  last  week,  the
           Reserve Bank of India (RBI) de-
        Icided  to  withdraw  the  Rs  2000
        denomination  currency  notes  from
        circulation,  but  added  they  will  con-
        tinue to remain as legal tender. RBI
        had advised banks to stop issuing Rs
        2000  denomination  banknotes  with
        immediate effect.
            But noting that there is no reason
        for worry over the move to withdraw
        Rs 2000 notes, which continue as le-
        gal  tender,  Reserve  Bank  of  India
        Governor  Shaktikanta  Das  has  said
        the central bank has “more than ade-
        quate” notes of other denominations
            There  has  been  some  specula-
        tion  that  the  decision  to  withdraw
        Rs  2000  note  may  put  a  strain  on   A man clicks a selfie with Rs 2000 currency notes prior to exchanging it at a bank following the RBI’s decision to withdraw its circulation (ANI Photo)
        the  overall  money  supply.  “Let  me
        assure  you,  we  have  more  than  an
        adequate quantity of notes available,  taken out from the system when the   Kanti Ghosh, Group Chief Economic   There will be no impact of RBI’s
        already printed. We have more than   legal tender status of then-prevailing   Adviser, said.          decision to withdraw Rs 2000 curren-
        an adequate quantity of printed notes   Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes was with-  The report said the Rs 500 note   cy notes from circulation on business-
        already available in the system - not   drawn during demonetization.  has  become  the  major  bank  note   es  and  transactions  in  the  pharma
        just with the RBI but also at the cur-  “That purpose has been fulfilled.   among  the  masses  and  constituted   industry, said Siddharth Mittal, MD
        rency  chests  which  are  operated  by   Today there are enough notes in circu-  73.3 per cent of the total value of cur-  and CEO of Biocon and noted that
        the banks. So, there is adequate stock   lation of other denominations,” he said.  rency notes as of March.  there  has  been  no  panic  reaction
        available  and  there  is  no  reason  to   The  withdrawal  of  Rs  2,000   According to SBI Research, the   among people.
        worry,” Das told reporters here.  banknotes is likely to be a non-event   central  bank  RBI  has  ensured  that   Mittal told ANI in an interview
            Speaking  about  the  September   as India has adopted digital payments   the share of the high-value Rs 2000   that a large portion of retail sales in
        30  deadline  exchange  of  Rs  2000   on  a  mass  scale,  said  SBI  Research   note  moved  down  gradually,  thus   pharmacies  happen  through  digital
        notes, he said a date was decided so   in  its  latest  Ecowrap.  In  digital  pay-  paving the way for the removal from   modes. “As an industry, quite honestly,
        that people take the process serious-  ments, India has been witnessing new   circulation altogether. The total value   I particularly don’t feel there would be
        ly and it does not become endless. “...  milestones, in both value and volume   of these banknotes in circulation has   any  impact  on  businesses  and  trans-
        Time is given up to September 30 (for   terms, which indicate the robustness   declined from Rs 6.73 lakh crore at   actions, including retails. A large por-
        exchange of notes) so that it is taken   of our payment ecosystem and accep-  its peak in March 31, 2018 (37.3 per   tion of retail sales through pharmacies
        seriously,  otherwise,  if  you  leave  it   tance.  “Our  research  suggests  that   cent  of  Notes  in  Circulation)  to  Rs   happens through digital modes (using
        open-ended, it becomes a kind of an   Rural and Semi-Urban areas are now   3.62 lakh crore constituting only 10.8   UPI). Drug industry that way is insu-
        endless process,” Das said in the in-  accounting for 60 per cent of share in   per cent of Notes in Circulation on   lated  from  financial  pressures.  Any-
        teraction with the media.         UPI  value/volume,  dismantling  the   March 31, 2023, RBI said. About 89   way, RBI also said the Rs 2000 will
            Currency  notes  of  Rs  2000  de-  popular  perception  that  metro/ur-  per cent of the Rs 2000 denomination   continue to be legal tender,” he said.
        nomination were primarily issued for   ban areas are hotbeds of digital pay-  banknotes were issued prior to March   “I have not seen any panic-like sit-
        the  purpose  of  quickly  replenishing   ment adoption and innovations,” the   2017 and are at the end of their esti-  uation so far and hence I feel it will
        the value of money which was being   Ecowrap report authored by Soumya   mated life span of four-five years.  not impact our industry,” he added.

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