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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah JUNE 02, 2023 | The Indian Eye 38
Knowledge Is The New Currency
for the GLOBAL Economy
For a better and brighter outcome, you need a lot of things, more importantly, “knowledge”.
And more knowledge. And more depth. And more knowledge
as on the generic skills improve-
ment and enhancement of the use
of technology as a tool in teaching
and other innovative learning pro-
cesses that can be evolved through
distance and online learning pro-
From Business Point of View
• When it comes to business, the
more knowledge you have, the bet-
ter your business will be.
• Your business will be profitable,
will be able to grow faster, you will
make better decisions, and mostly
HIRAV SHAH have a flourishing and a prosper-
ous business.
• When you have deep knowledge,
Time to Rise!
Time to Shine! Get Up! your consumers will enjoy buying
from you and your staff will trust
Pull up your socks. Knowledge has indeed become a valuable resource for modern companies and organizations,
Life is too short to look back. that they are working for a good
Life is too short to regret. including governments (Representative photo) • Hence, knowledge in business has
Life is too short to worry. real power. It controls access to
Life is too short to delay. • Meanwhile, by next decade, India and logical thinking amongst stu- advancement, progress, evolution,
Life is too short to wait. will have the world’s largest work- dents/people.
growth and opportunities.
Don’t wait for magic to happen. force. • With a formal knowledge manage-
Invest in learning now… • With the right knowledge, the HOW TO ACQUIRE MORE ment system in place, knowledge
Invest in wisdom now… youth can certainly reach newer KNOWLEDGE FOR STARTUPS
Invest in “Knowledge” now… heights and add value to the econ- retention strategies could be part
of the procedures of any company/
omy’s growth. AND BUSINESSES?
othing like the beginning of • Knowledge is qualitative currency • Competencies – yes, it’s the key organization.
something to set plans, make
Npredictions and start the jour- that has the ability to propel eco- • The most important competencies Conclusion
are willingness to learn and inher-
nomic growth.
ney to a much better and brighter • The way the world is evolving, with ent curiosity. No burglar, however skillful, can
outcome than 2022. rob of your knowledge, and that is
growth in technology, data is driv- • Willingness to acquire new knowl- why knowledge is the safest and the
Why Knowledge is The New ing the way machines and humans edge prepares one to keep up with best treasure to acquire.
Currency interact, bringing in many disrup- modern tendencies and trends. Knowledge has indeed become
For a better and brighter out- tive sets of sources that demand Well-educated natives can im- a valuable resource for modern
come, you need a lot of things, more consistent and constant knowledge mensely contribute not only to the companies, organizations, including
growth of any company, but also to
importantly, “knowledge”. And • It is knowledge and only knowl- economic growth. governments, and has been called
more knowledge. And more depth. edge that enables us to discover • Analytical skills, communication the new currency of the 21st centu-
And more knowledge. ry. Hence, there is a need to put in
new possibilities and invent or cre- skills and problem-solving skills,
Knowledge is everything. It is the ate newer abilities. among others, are complementary place mechanisms for sharing all the
available knowledge resources from
• India, one of the fastest growing to basic foundation skills.
power! both external and internal sources in
economies, has a huge potential to • Even more than other working
• It is the new currency that can al- become a leading knowledge econ- public, knowledge workers rely on order to add value to the strategies
and goals of our institutions, our or-
low you to take part in the conver- omy as long as education, regula- workplace competencies. ganizations and our Nation.
sations of today and tomorrow. tory and infrastructure barriers are • To facilitate these competencies
• Expertise, education and insights streamlined. amongst students, special focus
aka “knowledge” in one word is • But methodologies of teach- needs to be put on the develop- The writer is a well-known
indeed the “new and the ultimate ing need to be relooked; focus ment of curriculum, innovation, Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
currency”. Yes. should be to encourage creativity educational infrastructure as well Email: [email protected]