Page 32 - The Indian EYE 060223
P. 32

South                     The Indian Eye


         32                                                                                                                    JUNE 02, 2023

          Indian Consulate organizes mega beach clean

         up campaign in famous Brazilian tourist town

        City Hall secretary thanks the Indian Consul General and members of the community for their

                       initiative as part of the campaign during India’s presidency of G-20 group

                 Indian Consul General in Sao Paulo, Manisha Swami, diplomats of Indian consulate and their families along with SVCC director Dr Jyoti Shukla
                                              and City Hall secretary and others at the beach in Guarujá in Sao Paulo

        OUR BUREAU                        tary and other staff gathered at the   of growing cooperation between our   picking plastic bottles, wrappers and
                                          beach  around  9  30  in  the  morning.   two countries.” The head of Indian   other  discarded  bits  in  the  green
        Guarujá, Sao Paulo
                                          Indian  Association  (IASP)  presi-  mission  in  Sao  Paulo  thanked  the   bags which were brought back to the
              he  Consulate  General  of  In-  dent  Shobhan  Saxena  and  cultural   City Hall, IASP and other volunteers   starting point before disposed of by
              dia  and  Swami  Vivekananda   director  Vijay  Bavaskar  along  with   who joined the campaign.   the City Hall staff. It was a sign of a
        TCultural Centre (SVCC), Sao      members  of  the  community  from     Before  the  group  of  Indian  of-  positive impact of the campaign that
        Paulo, in collaboration with City Hall   Sao  Paulo  joined  the  effort  at  the   ficials,  members  of  the  community   a number of local people, walking or
        Guarujá  organized  a  cleaning  cam-  beach of the vacation town which is   and local volunteers, collected green   jogging along the beach, stopped by
        paign titled “Mega Beach Clean Up”   famous for its beauty and food. Head   bags  and  blue  gloves  to  begin  the   thanked the Indian officials and com-
        in this beautiful beach town on Sun-  of Chancery Harish Baxla and Con-  beach-cleaning  activity,  City  Hall   munity members for the campaign in
        day, May 21, 2023.                sul Adarsh Mishra and other officials   secretary thanked the Indian Consul   the town which attracts a huge num-
            As  an  initiative  of  India’s  G-20   of the Consulate also participated in   General  and  members  of  the  com-  ber tourists from all over the state of
        presidency, the campaign was orga-  the event.                      munity  for  their  initiative.  “You  all   Sao Paulo.
        nized globally and the major focus of   Addressing  the  gathering  at   are always welcome to this city. It is   After  more  than  two  hours  of
        it was Brazil as the South American   Praia das Astúrias beach in Guarujá,   your home,” said the secretary, add-  cleaning  activity,  the  group  retired
        country will take over G-20 Presiden-  CG Manisha Swami said, “It is a mat-  ing  that  on  Saturday,  May  27,  the   to a kiosk by the main city road pass-
        cy from India in September 2023.  ter of great significance that we have   beach  town  will  be  hosting  a  Yoga   ing by the beach to relish vegetable
            Led  by  Indian  Consul  Gener-  organized  this  campaign  in  Brazil   Day event being organized by the In-  biryani provided by Samosa & Com-
        al  (CG)  Manisha  Swami,  diplomats   today as our leaders, Prime Minister   dian Consulate.         pany restaurant of Sao Paulo as Indi-
        of  Indian  consulate  and  their  fam-  Narendra  Modi  and  President  Lula   Though the beach in the town is   ans and Brazilians shared ideas and
        ilies  along  with  SVCC  director  Dr   met at the G-7 meeting in Hiroshi-  maintained well, the group of volun-  thoughts on culture and other coop-
        Jyoti  Shukla  and  City  Hall  secre-  ma, Japan. The campaign is a symbol   teers walked along the blue waters,   eration between the two countries.

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