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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JUNE 02, 2023 | The Indian Eye 28
Dr. Sampat Shivangi Honored with Lifetime
Achievement Award by Xavier University In Aruba
awareness, which can lead to overlook-
ing, misjudging or dismissing the signs
New York, NY that someone needs help. Dr. Sivangi,
an obstetrician/gynecologist, the first
r. Sampat Shivangi, a phy- Indian to be on the American Med-
sician, an influential Indian ical Association, the apex law-mak-
DAmerican community leader, ing body, pointed out that substance
and a veteran leader of the American abuse in the United States causes
Association of Physicians of Indian over 10,000 youth to die annually.
Origin (AAPI) was awarded the pres- A conservative lifelong member
tigious Lifetime Achievement Award of the Republican Party, Dr. Shivan-
by the Xavier University School of gi is the founding member of the
Medicine on Friday, May 19th, 2023 Republican Indian Council and the
at the Xavier’s Campus in Aruba. Republican Indian National Council.
Dr. Shivangi was conferred with the Dr. Shivangi is the National Presi-
Life Time Achievement Award by dent of Indian American Forum for
the Honorale Minister of Aruba, Mr. Political Education, one of the oldest
Croes along with the President of Indian American Associations. Over
Xavier University of School of Med- the past three decades, he has lob-
icine Mr. Ravi Bhopalapu. bied for several Bills in the US Con-
The award ceremony was part of gress on behalf of India through his
the Global Leadership Summit orga- enormous contacts with US Senators
nized by the University, which brought and Congressmen.
together world leaders in the Global A close friend to the Bush fam-
Health Care community, who shared ily, he was instrumental in lobbying
their insightful thoughts and expertise for the first Diwali celebration in
on various topics related to health- the White House and for President
care. The summit featured speakers George W. Bush to make his trip to
from diverse backgrounds with ar- India. He had accompanied President
eas of expertise, including health- Bill Clinton during his historic visit to
care policy, healthcare technology India. Dr. Shivangi is Dr. Shivangi has
delivery, and healthcare education. worked enthusiastically in promoting
The summit was aimed at provid- India Civil Nuclear Treaty and re-
ing education not only to Xavier Uni- cently the US India Defense Treaty
versity School of Medicine students that was passed in US Congress and
and faculty but also to healthcare signed by President Obama.
professionals and educators, who Dr. Shivangi has actively in-
are passionate about making a posi- volved in several philanthropic activ-
tive impact on the healthcare indus- ities, serving with Blind foundation
try and improving patient outcomes of MS, Diabetic, Cancer and Heart
worldwide. Associations of America. Dr. Shivan-
“We are excited to bring together gi has number of philanthropic work
stingrays naked ladies from around in India including Primary & middle
the world did experiences and in- have made important contributions and whose work has been recognized schools, Cultural Center, IMA Cen-
sights,” said Dr. Ravi Bhoopalpur, to healthcare.” nationwide, said, “Mental health ill- ters that he opened and helped to ob-
President of Xavier University School Describing the honor as “a signif- ness continues to impact more people tains the first ever US Congressional
of Medicine. icant milestone in my life and a mo- each year and is now a global disease.” grant to AAPI to study Diabetes Mel-
“The goal is to create a platform ment to cherish,” Dr. Shivangi said, Quoting the World Health Organiza- litus amongst Indian Americans.
for the exchange of ideas and best “Health care across the world is re- tion, Dr. Shivangi, said, “WHO esti- Dr. Sampat Shivangi was award-
practices that will help shape the fu- garded as an important determinant mates 1 in every 8 individuals world- ed the highest civilian honor, the
ture of healthcare and improve the in promoting the general, physical, wide suffer from a mental disorder, Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas Sanman
lives of people around the world.” mental, and social well-being of peo- impairment in childhood, depression, award in 2016 in Bengaluru by the
In his response to being chosen ple around the world and can contrib- anxiety, substance abuse, & psychosis Hon. President of India, Shri Pranap
for the award, Dr. Shivangi said, “I ute to a significant part of a country’s in maturity and ending with demen- Mukhejee. He was awarded the pres-
am truly honored to receive this pres- economy, development, and industri- tia in old age. 5.6 crore Indians suffer tigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor in
tigious Xavier University of Aruba alization when efficiently improving from depression, while 3.8 crore suf- New York in 2008. He is married to
award, which has made a worldwide human health and providing access to fers from anxiety disorders.” Dr. Udaya S. Shivangi, MD, and the
impression as a premier Institute of affordable high-quality health care.” Focusing on Mental Health, Dr. couple are blessed with two daugh-
learning. It’s even a greater honor Addressing the epidemic of men- Shivangi said, “Mental Health litera- ters: Priya S. Shivangi, MS (NYU);
to be in such distinguished ranks of tal health, Dr. Shivangi, a champion cy is the gateway for mental health in- Pooja S. Shivangi who is an Attorney
those present and past honorees, who of women’s health and mental health, tervention. However, there is a lack of at Law.