Page 8 - The Indian EYE 052424
P. 8

NATION                                                                    MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

            Earlier this week, the Ministry of
        External Affairs reiterated that Can-
        ada  has  not  provided  any  “specific”
        evidence or relevant information in
        the Hardeep Singh Nijjar killing case
        and that no “formal communication”
        has been provided to India over the
        arrests of three Indians allegedly in-
        volved in the matter.”No specific or
        relevant evidence or information has
        been given to us in this matter. Can-
        ada has informed us about the arrest.
        But we have not got any formal com-
        munication...”  MEA  Spokesperson
        said on the arrest of three Indian na-
        tions in Canada in Nijjar killing.
            On being asked if India has given
        consular access to the three Indians
        arrested in the Nijjar Killing case, the
        MEA said that they have not received
        any request from the Canadian side
        for the same as the accused have not
        asked for the consular access yet.
            Meanwhile, stating that the inves-
        tigation into the alleged plot to assas-
        sinate Sikh separatist leader Gurpat-
        want Singh Pannun is an ongoing legal   Members of JAGO party and Sikh Welfare Organisation protest march against Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in New Delhi (ANI File Photo)
        matter, the US State Department said
        it “won’t speak” until “allegations are
        proved” before a jury.            in Manhattan, had recruited Indian   by the United States against New   said that a High-Level Committee
            Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is an   national Nikhil Gupta to hire a hit-  Delhi (we see that they groundlessly   set up by the Indian government is
        India-designated terrorist who holds   man to allegedly assassinate Panun,   accuse not only India but also many   carrying out an investigation into the
        American and Canadian citizenship.   which was foiled by US authorities.   other states) of violating religious   security concerns shared by the US
        “There’s a publicly returned indict-  In a related development, rub-  freedoms are a reflection of the Unit-  government on networks of organized
        ment that contains alleged facts or al-  bishing the allegations by the US on   ed States’ misunderstanding of the   criminals, terrorists, and others.
        legations. Until they’re proven before   India for a foiled assassination plot   national mentality, the historical con-  “The  report  in  question  makes
        a jury that anyone can go and read, I   against pro-Khalistan radical Gur-  text of the development of the Indi-  unwarranted and unsubstantiated im-
        won’t speak to them here because, of   patwant Singh Pannun, the Russian   an state and disrespect for India as a   putations on a serious matter. There
        course, it’s an ongoing legal matter,   Foreign Ministry said that Washing-  state . I am sure that this also comes   is an ongoing investigation of the
        and I’ll leave it at that,” spokesperson   ton has not yet provided any reliable   from the neocolonial mentality, the   High-Level Committee set up by the
        Matthew Miller said at a State Depart-  evidence of the involvement of Indian   mentality of the colonial period, the   Government of India to look into the
        ment briefing on Thursday (local time).  citizens in the case.      period of the slave trade, and imperi-  security concerns shared by the US
            Miller’s remarks came in  re-     “According to the information   alism,” she said.               government on networks of organ-
        sponse to a media query on Pannun’s   we have, Washington has not yet pro-  “This does not only apply to In-  ised criminals, terrorists and others.
        case investigation.               vided any reliable evidence of the   dia. The reason is the desire to unbal-  Speculative and irresponsible com-
            Notably, a Czech court has ruled   involvement of Indian citizens in the   ance the internal political situation in   ments on it are not helpful.”
        that Prague can extradite to the Unit-  preparation of the murder of a cer-  India in order to complicate the gen-  Citing officials and a US indict-
        ed States the 52-year-old Indian,   tain GS Pannun. Speculation on this   eral parliamentary elections taking   ment, the Washington Post report
        Nikhil Gupta, who is accused by the   topic in the absence of evidence is un-  place in the country. Of course, this is   claimed that the RAW official iden-
        United States of involvement in the   acceptable,” the official spokeswom-  part of interference in India’s internal   tified as Vikram Yadav had directed
        alleged attempt to kill Sikh separatist   an of the Russian Foreign Ministry,   affairs,” she added.  Indian businessman Nikhil Gupta, to
        leader Pannun, a Czech-based media   Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on   The External Affairs Ministry,   hire a hitman to kill Pannun outside
        outlet  Seznam Zpravy reported, cit-  Wednesday (local time).       in April, had rejected a report in The   his New York residence.
        ing judicial database Infosoud.       She said that the US does not   Washington Post naming Indian Re-   The US Justice Department has
            As per the US Justice Depart-  understand the national mentality,   search and Analysis Wing (RAW) of-  claimed that Indian government em-
        ment indictment, Indian national   as well as the historical context of the   ficial’s involvement in the alleged post   ployee (named CC-1), who was not
        Nikhil Gupta is currently in custody   development of the Indian state and it   to kill Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant   identified in the indictment filed in a
        and has been charged with murder-  disrespects India as a state.    Singh Pannun in the US.           federal court in Manhattan, recruit-
        for-hire, which carries a maximum     Zakharova’s remarks came in       Describing it as an “unwarranted   ed an Indian national named Nikhil
        sentence of 10 years in prison. Czech   response to a media query on Mos-  and unsubstantiated” imputation on a   Gupta to hire a hitman to carry out the
        authorities arrested and detained   cow’s reaction to accusations against   “serious matter” that is under inves-  assassination, which was foiled by US
        Gupta on June 30, 2023, under the bi-  an Indian official of a foiled “assassi-  tigation, Ministry of External Affairs   authorities, according to prosecutors.
        lateral extradition treaty between the   nation” plot, and the American news   (MEA)  official  spokesperson  Rand-  Following this, MEA said that a
        United States and the Czech Republic.  publication ‘The Washington Post’   hir Jaiswal said the US media report   case filed against an individual in a US
            The US Justice Department had   stating that India is trying to do the   was “speculative and irresponsible”.  court and allegedly linking him to an
        claimed that an Indian government   same  as  Russia  and  Saudi  Arabia   In response to media queries on   Indian official is a “matter of concern”
        employee, who was not identified in   against its enemy.            the report that appeared in Washing-  and is contrary to government policy.
        the indictment filed in a federal court   “Regular unfounded accusations   ton Post, a US national daily, Jaiswal   India has also set up a high-level
                                                                                                              committee to probe the matter.
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