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BIG STORY                                                                 MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    5

                  Gathering of BJP supporters during a public meeting addressed by    PM Modi greets the gathering during a roadshow for the Lok Sabha elections at Ghatkopar in
                            Prime Minister Narendra Modi (ANI)                                     Mumbai on Wednesday (ANI)

        won’t allow anyone to play with the   scared him and he had to withdraw,”   Earlier, Congress leader Ra-  be credited to the bank accounts of
        basic fundamentals of the Constitu-  he added.                      hul Gandhi on Sunday said that if   women “Khatakat Khatakat...” after
        tion. Prime Minister Modi said that   He further slammed Congress   the Bharatiya Janata Party wins the   formation of INDIA bloc govern-
        four members of the Gandhi family-   leader Rahul Gandhi for tearing   upcoming Lok Sabha elections and   ment.
        former Prime Ministers Jawahar Lal   apart a copy of the ordinance which   tries to change the Constitution, then   Claiming that on June 4, the
        Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi   was passed by the Union Cabinet in   the whole nation will be set on fire.  Modi government will assume pow-
        and Congress leader Rahul Gand-   2013. The ordinance was later with-   “If the BJP wins these match-  er, the PM said, “Running the coun-
        hi  fiddled  with  the  Constitution  for   drawn by Manmohan Singh led gov-  fixed  elections,  and  changes  the   try is not possible for the children
        their own political goals.        ernment.                          Constitution, the whole country will   born  with  a  silver  spoon...  They
            When asked in an interview on     “Then his son (Rahul Gandhi)   be on fire. Remember this,” Gandhi   (Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi)
        the Opposition claims that the Con-  came, a remote-control government   said at an election rally in Delhi.  can’t do this... After June 4, the Modi
        stitution will be rewritten if BJP is   was being run at that time, they had   Meanwhile, stepping up the   government will definitely form, but
        voted to power, Prime Minister Modi   a PM of their choice. A Cabinet   attack on Congress leader Rahul   apart from this, several other things
        said,  “The question that should be   formed as per the Constitution took   Gandhi and Samajwadi Party chief   will also happen. INDI alliance will
        asked- who was the first to play with   a decision, a Shehzada came and   Akhilesh Yadav, Prime Minister   be broken and scattered.”
        the Constitution? Pandit Nehru did.   publicly tore apart the cabinet deci-  Narendra Modi on Thursday said   The PM also talked about
        He  brought  the  first  amendment   sion. Later Cabinet also overturned   that after the announcement of Lok   making a ‘Viksit and Atmanirbhar
        which was meant to restrict free-  its decision,” he said.          Sabha results on June 4, opposition’s   Bharat’ and said, “I give you the
        dom of speech. His daughter (Indira   PM Modi further assured that   INDIA bloc will get scattered “Kha-  guarantee that I will work to serve
        Gandhi) then overturned the court   reservations based on religion will   takhat, Khatakhat, Khatakhat”.  you day and night. My each and ev-
        verdict by bringing an amendment.   not be allowed under his tenure.    Prime   Minister’s  response  ery second will be for you. We will
        Then her son (Rajiv Gandhi) came   “Four members of the same family   comes after Congress’ Rahul Gand-  make a ‘Viksit Bharat, Atmanirbhar
        and overturned Shah Bano’s verdict.   destroyed the Constitution at differ-  hi’s earlier remarks that money will   Bharat’ and for that, the countrymen
        He changed the Constitution.”     ent times. Until Modi is alive, I will   be credited to the bank accounts of   will work towards it. And I have full
            “He brought a law to restrict me-  not allow any change in the basic   women  “Khatakat  Khatakat...” af-  faith that you (the public) are with
        dia. The opposition was strong, and   fundamentals of the Constitution. I   ter the formation of the INDIA bloc   me. This is Modi’s guarantee that if
        the media was also growing strong.   won’t allow reservation based on reli-  government. Prime Minister took a   you work for 10 hours, I will work for
        they said they will not allow the im-  gion, you already partitioned a coun-  dig at Congress’ Rahul Gandhi for   18 hours. This is my guarantee to 140
        position of another emergency. this   try on the basis of religion,” he said.  his earlier remarks that money will   crores of the people of India.”


            OUR BUREAU                               will be fulfilling his term. I respect their emotions   to be the next Prime Minister since PM Modi
                                                     towards their leader. However, PM Modi did not   will be retiring soon as per his party’s retire-
                                                     say that he will not retire after turning 75. This is   ment norms.
                  elhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal   his own rule and I have full hope that he will be   “In 2014, PM Modi made a rule that if
                  on Thursday repeated his earlier claim   following it,” Kejriwal said.           anyone in the party is 75 years old, he will not
           Dthat Amit Shah will become the next          Addressing a joint press conference with IN-  be allowed to hold any post in the party or the
            prime minister after Narendra Modi turns 75   DIA bloc partner Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh   government and will be made to retire. Fol-
            in 2025 and that PM Modi never said that he   Yadav in Lucknow today, the AAP leader said,   lowing this, Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi
            would not retire when he hits 75 next year.  “Otherwise, people will say that PM Modi made   were made to retire...PM Modi will turn 75 on
               “When I said these points (PM Modi will   this rule to remove Advani.”              September 17, 2025. PM Modi has decided to
            retire next year to make way for Union Home   The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief reiterated   make Amit Shah his successor and to make
            Minister Amit Shah) in a press conference in   his claim that the Bharatiya Janata Party will be   him Prime Minister on September 17, 2025.
            Delhi, Amit Shah and several leaders stated   removing Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adi-  PM Modi is working on it for the last one-two
            that PM Modi should not resign at 75 and he   tyanath from his post to make way for Amit Shah   years,” Kejriwal said.

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