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BIG STORY                                                                 MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                              INDIAN ELECTIONS 2024

                      MODI TALKS


                               As India gets closer to the final three phases of elections,

           PM Narendra Modi dispels the notion of communal politics, mounts attacks on the
                 Congress party and claims he would form the next government after June 4

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Mumbai

              rime Minister Narendra Modi
              on  Thursday  reiterated  that
        Phe has never indulged in Hin-
        du-Muslim politics and slammed the
        Opposition for engaging in appease-
        ment politics adding that his speech-
        es target parties undermining India’s
        secularism. PM Modi also asserted
        that he is targeting his opponents and
        not the Muslim community adding
        that there should be no discrimina-
        tion in governance.
            On being asked that the coun-
        try has a secular administration,
        and hence, what’s the need to bring
        words like Mangalsutra, intruders,
        and more children in election rallies,
        PM Narendra Modi said, “I have
        never done Hindu-Muslim [politics]
        and will never do it. But if I say that
        triple talaq is wrong, then I am [la-
        belled] ‘anti-Muslim’. If I’m labelled
        like this, then it is their [critics’] com-
        pulsion, not mine,” PM Modi said.
        The  Prime Minister  said  that  the
        Opposition completely followed a
        communal agenda and he “exposed     Prime Minister Narendra Modi being felicitated by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during a public meeting in Rae-Bareli (ANI)
        it, blasted it, accused it.”
            PM Modi further said, “The is-
        sue is that they have written in their   said that he is attacking the politi-  tion has been fooling the community   do, I will do it for the country. Votes
        manifesto  that  now  they  will  bring   cal parties and not the Muslims. “I   for the last 75 years. “I am explaining   are by-products. You cannot sink the
        minorities in the contract system.   am not attacking them (Muslims), I   to the Muslims that they are fooling   country for votes and I do not want
        Contracts will be given to minorities.   am attacking those political parties   you, they have been fooling you for   such power. I don’t accept such pow-
        If I oppose the system, then I am do-  who are destroying the secularism of   75 years, why are you being fooled?”  er which destroys my country.”
        ing that because of secularism. But   India, who are doing politics of ap-  When asked if he thinks that   Also, slamming Congress and
        just because I have to use the term   peasement, who are destroying the   Muslims would vote for the BJP, PM   the  Gandhi  family  over  amending
        minority and ‘Muslim’, then it is tak-  sentiments of the Constitution of the   Modi  said,  “Will  you do  everything   the Constitution during their ten-
        en as if I am attacking the minori-  country...,” he said.          for votes? Will you do nothing for   ure, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        ties.”                                In his message to the Muslim vot-  the country? Will you do it to get   said that till the time he is alive, he
            Explaining his point, PM Modi   ers, the PM claimed that the opposi-  power? I am against it. Whatever I   Continued on next page... >>

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