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NATION                                                                    MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                   NIJJAR & PANNUN CASES

                             India demands evidence,

        US goes silent till “charges proved”

                   and Moscow backs New Delhi

                       The Canadian Police on Saturday arrested a fourth suspect over

         his alleged involvement in the killing of Nijjar who was shot outside the Gurdwara

                                          in Surrey, British Columbia, on June 18

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Washington, DC/Moscow

              s the controversy over the alleged murder
              plots in the US and Canada refuses to die
        Adown, External Affairs Minister S Jaishan-
        kar has once again denied receiving any evidence
        implicating Indian nationals’ involvement in the
        killing in Canada of India-designated terrorist
        Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
            Responding to media queries here, Jaishankar
        stated, “I also read that another arrest has been
        made.  If that  person  is  an  Indian  national,  then
        usually by consular practice, you inform the govern-
        ment or the embassy of the country of origin. But
        beyond that, we have long maintained that if any-
        thing, any event in Canada, any violence in Canada,
        has any evidence or information which is relevant
        to be investigated in India, we are open to investi-
        gating it.”
            He emphasised that while any Indian national’s
        arrest would usually prompt notification to the gov-
        ernment or embassy, no specific evidence justifying
        investigation by Indian agencies has been received
        to date.
            “But to date, we have never received anything
        which is specific and worthy of being pursued by our
        investigative agencies. And I’m not aware anything              External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar addresses a media conference (ANI)
        has changed in the last few days in that regard,” the
        External Affairs Minister said at a media interac-  deep Singh with first-degree murder and conspiracy   Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was designated a
        tion.                                        to commit murder,” the police statement said.  terrorist by India’s National Investigation Agency in
            The Canadian Police on Saturday arrested a   The police said that Singh is an Indian national,   2020, was shot and killed as he came out of a Gurd-
        fourth suspect over his alleged involvement in the   splitting his time in Canada in Brampton, Ontario;   wara in Surrey in June last year. The attack was de-
        killing of Nijjar, Canada-based CBC News report-  Surrey, British Columbia, and Abbotsford, British   scribed as ‘highly coordinated’ and involved six men
        ed. Nijjar was killed outside the Gurdwara in Sur-  Columbia, as reported by CBC News. Investigators   and two vehicles. Notably, the Canadian police has
        rey, British Columbia, on June 18. The accused has   haven’t given any further details of the arrest, citing   not given any evidence of any link to India, as was
        been identified as Amandeep Singh (22).      ongoing investigations and court processes.   being speculated in Canadian media.
            According to the Integrated Homicide Investi-  This comes days after the Canadian police ar-  Nijjar’s killing triggered diplomatic tensions
        gation Team (IHIT) in British Columbia, Singh was   rested three Indian nationals -- Karan Brar, Kamal-  between Canada and India after Canadian Prime
        already in the custody of Peel Regional Police in   preet Singh and Karanpreet Singh -- in Edmonton.   Minister Justin Trudeau alleged India’s hand in the
        Ontario for unrelated firearms charges. “IHIT pur-  The trio was charged with first-degree murder and   killing -- a claim New Delhi has rejected, calling it
        sued the evidence and gained sufficient information   conspiracy to commit murder in relation to the ho-  “absurd” and “motivated.”
        for the BC Prosecution Service to charge Aman-  micide.                                                      Continued on next page... >>

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