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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 40

                                                              TECH T@LK

          Samsung Galaxy A54, A34 now receiving One UI 6.1 update

        The much-anticipated update is now being rolled out in Samsung’s home country of South Korea

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 date strategy amidst the shift to a new month.
                                                                                                      As per GSM Arena, it remains uncertain
        San Francisco, CA
                                                                                                   whether Samsung will issue a separate update this
             amsung is making waves in the smartphone                                              month to address the May security patch or wait
             market once again as it extends its latest soft-                                      until June for the next rollout.
        Sware update, One UI 6.1, to its mid-range                                                    Despite the security patch timing ambiguity,
        champions, the Galaxy A54 and A34. Following a                                             the initiation of the update rollout in South Korea
        recent fix to the Galaxy S22 family’s One UI 6.1 up-                                       signals a promising development for Galaxy A54
        date, the tech giant is now focusing on delivering its                                     and A34 users worldwide.
        newest skin to its best-selling mid-rangers from the                                          With the ball now rolling, it’s only a matter of
        previous year, according to GSM Arena.                                                     time before Galaxy A units in other markets receive
            The much-anticipated update is now being                                               the highly-anticipated One UI 6.1 update, bringing
        rolled out in Samsung’s home country of South Ko-                                          a host of new features and improvements to users
        rea, marking a significant milestone for users of the                                      beyond Samsung’s home turf.
        Galaxy A series.                                                                              As the tech giant continues to cater to a diverse
            However, unlike the flagship S-series and fold-                                        range of consumers with its extensive lineup of
        ables, the Galaxy A54 and A34 won’t be receiving                                           smartphones, the rollout of One UI 6.1 to the Gal-
        the Galaxy AI features with this update, which re-                                         axy A series underscores Samsung’s commitment
        mains exclusive to Samsung’s premium lines.                                                to providing an optimal user experience across its
            For Galaxy A54 users in Korea, the new ver-                                            product range.
        sion bears the label A546SKSU4CXDC, while the   With the ball now rolling, it’s only a matter of time before   With the latest software update, Galaxy A54
        A34 is designated as A346NKSU5CXD5. Both      Galaxy A units in other markets receive the highly-anticipat-  and A34 users can look forward to enhanced per-
        updates come bundled with the April 2024 security      ed One UI 6.1 update (File photo)   formance, refreshed aesthetics, and a seamless user
        patch level, raising questions about Samsung’s up-                                         interface.  (With agency reports)

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