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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                         MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 44

                                           BHARAT PARV AT CANNES:

                Film fest celebrates India and

                Bollywood way of telling story

             At the CII-Bharat Pavilion, the Indian Ambassador to France expresses happiness about

        Jammu and Kashmir representing the rich shooting locations of India this year and added that
                               it would be a delight to the global filmmakers to shoot in India

        OUR BUREAU

        Cannes (France)
              he 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival
              witnessed a significant moment as the inau-
        Tguration ceremony of the Bharat Pavilion
        took place on Wednesday. Filmmaker Richie Mehta
        graced the occasion, highlighting the monumental
        occasion for Indian cinema and its global outreach.
            Reflecting on the significance of Indian story-
        telling, Mehta expressed, “The festivals have helped
        me basically unlocking a career. And also one of my
        missions has been to, as a Canadian Indian to export
        the best of Indian storytelling and I’m not talking
        about  from  a  film  standpoint,  I’m  talking  about
        from the stories, from people on the ground, from
        the amazing culture that we have to show the world.
        It’s a real honour to be a part of this inauguration.”
            His words resonated with the essence of the
        event, emphasizing the rich cultural tapestry that
        Indian cinema weaves on the global stage. The
        event was attended by dignitaries representing In-
        dia, including Sanjay Jaju, Secretary of the Ministry
        of Information and Broadcasting, and H.E. Jawed
        Ashraf, the Ambassador of India to France.
            On the sidelines of the CII-Bharat Pavilion at   Jawed Ashraf, Ambassador of India to France, and Sanjay Jaju, Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, inaugurate
        Cannes, the Indian Ambassador to France, Jawed
        Ashraf has expressed happiness about Jammu and   the Jammu and Kashmir Booth, nestled within the vibrant Bharat Pavilion at the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. (ANI)
        Kashmir representing the rich shooting locations of
        India this year and added that it would be a delight   “I appeal to the foreign producers to explore   territories such as Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka,
        to the global filmmakers to shoot in India.  the country’s diverse geography, rich heritage, and   Goa, and Maharashtra participated, showcasing
            He  further  invited  global  filmmakers  to  ex-  lucrative incentives. The robust support provided   India’s diverse cinematic landscape at the Cannes
        plore the business opportunities in India, and in the   by the Film Facilitation Office for shooting in In-  Film Market.
        Union territory as well.                     dia, coupled with the availability of skilled post-pro-  In a first-of-its-kind initiative, India will host a
            In his address to the global audience present   duction facilities would provide a great experience   Bharat Parv at the Cannes Film Festival, providing a
        in the inaugural ceremony of the CII-Bharat Pa-  to the global film-makers to create in India for the   platform to engage with industry stakeholders from
        vilion at the Cannes Film Market, the Ambassador   world,” Jaju said, according to an official release.  across the world. This initiative aims to showcase
        of India to France and Monaco, Ashraf said, “I am   At  the  opening  of  the  CII  pavilion,  the Sec-  the creative opportunities and abundant talent pool
        delighted that this year Jammu and Kashmir is rep-  retary announced WAVES (World Audio Visual   present in India’s film industry.
        resenting the rich shooting locations of India which   Entertainment Summit), a global media and enter-  Moreover, the Bharat Parv will witness the un-
        would be a delight to the global filmmakers to shoot   tainment summit being organised on the fringes of   veiling of the official poster and trailer of the 55th
        in India. I hope that there will be lots of business op-  the International Film Festival of India in Goa, for   India International Film Festival (IFFI), scheduled
        portunities explored by the global filmmakers with   the first time and urged the world community to set   to be held in Goa from November 20 to 28. This
        India’s participation.”                      aside time in their calendars for the same.   adds another layer of anticipation and excitement to
            At the Pavilion’s opening, Jaju conveyed his   Hosted annually at Cannes by the Information   India’s presence at Cannes. The inauguration of the
        excitement about India’s integrated presence at the   and Broadcasting Ministry of India, the Bharat   Bharat Pavilion at the Cannes Film Festival marks a
        Cannes Film Market, which provides a wealth of cre-  Pavilion underscores the nation’s commitment to   significant milestone for Indian cinema, reinforcing
        ative, networking, and international cooperation op-  showcasing its cinematic heritage and fostering in-  its global footprint and fostering international part-
        portunities for filmmakers, producers, and exhibitors.  ternational collaborations. Various states and union   nerships in the world of filmmaking.

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