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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

        University of America, the only institution in the US whose mission is to pro-               VEENA IYER
        vide education based on Hindu philosophy.
            Ramesh Bhutada then took the stage as his $1 million commitment over
        four years was announced to the surprise of the attendees. He spoke about   Lawyer appointed as District
        the need to fund Hindu community institutions such as the Texas Hindu
        Campsite, the Hindu University of America (HUA), and now HAF. All three    Court Judge in Minnesota
        have now received $1 million commitments from him.
            Ramesh Bhutada is a renowned philanthropist, entrepreneur, and CEO
        of Star Pipe Products in Houston, Texas. He is the Founder of the Indo-Amer-  overnor Tim Walz announced
                                                                                   the appointment of Veena
        ican Chamber of Commerce, Founding President of SVYASA Research     GIyer as District Court Judge in
        Foundation, and is an avid supporter of the Southwest Vipassana Meditation   Minnesota’s Second Judicial District.
        Center.                                                             Iyer will be replacing the Honorable
            Established in 2003, the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) is the larg-
        est and oldest education and advocacy organization and the pre-eminent   JaPaul J. Harris. The seat will be cham-
                                                                            bered in St. Paul in Ramsey County.
        voice for Hindu Americans. From a small band of idealistic volunteers in 2003,   “I am honored to appoint Veena
        today HAF is a professionally staffed institution with close to 20 full-time   Iyer to the Ramsey County bench,”
        staff, a visionary Board of Directors, dedicated National Leadership Council,
        and passionate Advisory Council thanks to the generosity of Hindu Ameri-  said Governor Walz. “Her diverse
                                                                            practice  background  and  under-
        cans from all across the country.
                                                                            standing of the impact that our justice
                              TIARA ABRAHAM                                 system has on the many communities
                                                                            it serves gives me the confidence that
              Music prodigy becomes the                                     she will be a fair and balanced judge.”
                                                                                Veena Iyer is the executive director of the Immigrant Law Center of Min-
                                                                            nesota. She was previously a shareholder at Nilan Johnson Lewis and an Equal
           youngest master degree holder                                    Justice Works fellow at Legal Aid Chicago. Iyer was also a law clerk for the
                                                                            Honorable Natalie Hudson on the Minnesota Court of Appeals, the Honor-
                  from Indiana University                                   able Susan Burke on the Fourth Judicial District, and the Honorable Matthew
                                                                            Kennelly on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Her
                                                                            community involvement includes leadership roles with the Minnesota Asian
                                                                            Pacific American Bar Association and Minnesota Women Lawyers. Iyer also
                                                                            serves on the Board of Regents of Augsburg University and the Community
                                                                            Advisory Board of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank. She received her
                                                                            B.A. from the University of Chicago and J.D. from Harvard Law School.

                                                                              To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
                                                                                              our website

              iara Abraham earned her master’s degree from Indiana University, an
              accomplishment that makes her the youngest to do so in 2024 across all
        TIU campuses statewide. “Today has been a whirlwind of emotion. It’s
        been full of joy,” said Abraham. The teen graduated from Indiana University’s
        Jacobs School of Music with a master’s degree in music of voice.
            Now, she’s the youngest person to earn the degree across all IU campuses
        in 2024, and she did it with a 4.0 GPA throughout her academic career.
            Tiara Abraham became a Mensa member at age 4, began college courses
        at age 7, and celebrated her Sweet 16 with an undergraduate degree from UC
        Davis in California. It’s the same school her older brother Tanishq earned his
        PhD at 19.
           “My dream job is to perform around the world in established opera houses
        and just make people happy with my voice,” she said.
           “I truly believe in the power of music, and I’m blessed with a beautiful
        voice, and I just want to make use of that,” she said.
            Abraham has been invited to sing at several commencement ceremonies
        at many renowned places over the years. She will sing the national anthem at
        IU’s undergrad ceremony on Saturday.

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