Page 32 - The Indian EYE 052424
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 32

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                             AYESHA HAZARIKA                                                         BIRAL PATEL

        British Indian of Assamese origin                                           Edison Board of Education

                to join the House of Lords                                   President receives ‘Certified’ status

              yesha Hazarika becomes 1st British-Indian of Assamese Origin to be   dison Township Public Schools has recently announced that Biral Patel,
              appointed to the House of Lords, the upper chamber of the British Par-  the Edison School Board President, was honored at the May 1, 2024,
        Aliament. Taking her seat as ‘Baroness Hazarika of Coatbridge’, with a  EMiddlesex County School Board Association meeting. Patel was recog-
        grant of a life peerage, she brings a wealth of experience from her background   nized for earning the status of a Certified Board Member (CBM), being the
        as a Scottish political aide and pundit.                            first one to achieve this distinction in the district.
            Baroness Hazarika, a former  stand-up  comic,  donned the  traditional   The CBM status represents the second level of the Board Member Acad-
        scarlet robes for her introduction ceremony, where she was supported by fel-  emy certification program and is awarded by the New Jersey School Boards
        low Labor peers Lord Dubs and Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws.        Association (NJSBA). This milestone highlights Patel’s commitment to pro-
            Joining her in this elevation to the House of Lords is Ruth Porter, former   fessional development, leadership, and the essential governance skills needed
        deputy chief of staff to Liz Truss, despite her boss’s brief tenure as Prime   to carry out his assigned responsibilities effectively.
                                                                            Patel accomplished a series of tasks and the qualifying require-
        Taking to her official X handle, Ayesha expresses happiness stat-   ments to earn the certification, including earning at least 20
        ing, “Thank you for all your lovely messages. What an incredible,   cumulative Board Member Academy credits, attending at least
        special day spent with family & friends. Especially my amazing      four county meetings, one annual NJSBA Workshop, one NJSBA
        parents who came here as Indian Muslim immigrants & worked          Delegate Assembly, and one statewide or regional professional

        so very hard. It is genuinely the honor of my life to join the House   development program.
        of Lords as a Labor peer.”
                                                                                On getting awarded this distinctive certification, Patel expressed his grati-
            Ayesha Hazarika, originally from Bellshill and raised in Coatbridge, now   tude for the recognition and reiterated his commitment to serving the district,
        adds her voice to the legislative process. She is a Scottish broadcaster, jour-  acknowledging the support of his colleagues and the community, and high-
        nalist and political commentator, and former political adviser to senior Labor   lighting the critical importance of ongoing professional growth and collabo-
        Party politicians. Hazarika was born in Bellshill, Scotland, to parents of Indian   rative efforts for the success of the district. Edison Township Public Schools
        Assamese Muslim descent, and was raised in Coatbridge. She was educated at   congratulated Patel on this unique achievement.
        Laurel Bank, an all-girls school in Glasgow, and studied law at the University
        of Hull. Hazarika planned to become a solicitor before training as a journalist.                             Continued on next page... >>

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