Page 38 - The Indian EYE 052424
P. 38

BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 38

                   How the Indian IT giant Infosys

               is leading AI tech innovation with

                               tie-ups across the world

             The net profit of IT major surged by 30 per cent YoY to Rs 7,969 crore, the company

                      informed stock exchanges in its quarterly-earning data released in April

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            trajectory  for  the  fiscal  year  2024-
                                                                                                              25 in a range of 1 to 3 per cent. The
                                                                                                              company also announced the acqui-
            nfosys collaborated with Telstra,                                                                 sition approval of in-tech Holding
           Australia’s telecommunications                                                                     GmbH, a prominent player in Engi-
        Iand technology company, on                                                                           neering R&D services.
        Thursday  for  an  AI-led  engineering                                                                   “We delivered the highest ever
        transformation of Telstra. The collab-                                                                large deal value in the financial year
        oration  aims  to  accelerate Telstra’s                                                               2024.  This  reflects  the  strong  trust
        software engineering and IT trans-                                                                    clients have in us. Our capabilities
        formation journey while enhancing                                                                     in Generative AI continue to expand.
        customer experience, the company                                                                      We are working on client programs,
        informed the exchange in a filing.                                                                    leveraging large language models
           “Telstra and Infosys stand as trail-                                                               with impact across software engi-
        blazers in technological innovation,                                                                  neering,  process  optimization,  and
        united by a shared vision. This col-                                                                  customer support, said Salil Parekh,
        laboration underscores our commit-                                                                    CEO and MD.
        ment to delivering innovative cloud                                                                       He further added “I would like
        and  AI-led solutions  that will  help                                                                to thank our 317,000 employees
        position Telstra as a leader in this                                                                  across the world that are working to
        new era,” said Anand Swaminathan,                                                                     create value for our clients.”
        Executive Vice President and Global                                                                       Furthermore, Infosys declared a
        Industry Leader, Communications,                                                                      dividend of Rs 28 per share, compris-
        Media, and Technology, Infosys.                                                                       ing a regular dividend of Rs 20 per
                                                                                                              equity  share  for  the  financial  year
        By leveraging Infosys’s AI-first                                                                      ended March 31, 2024, along with
                                                                                                              an additional special dividend of Rs8
        suite of offerings, known as                                                                          per equity share.
                                                                                                                  A dividend is a reward that com-
        ‘Infosys  Topaz’, and its cloud                Founder and Chairman of Infosys Narayana Murthy (ANI)  panies often provide to their share-
        suite of offerings called ‘Infos-  Telstra with a robust engineering   ligence to drive efficiencies and inno-  holders, though not mandatory, from

        ys Cobalt’, Telstra seeks to sim-  backbone that supports its innova-  vation across its operations.  a portion of their earnings.
                                                                                                                  The company also announced
                                          tion goals and facilitates its ongoing
                                                                                Meanwhile, Infosys Cobalt, the
        plify its technology landscape    transformation.                   cloud suite of offerings, will provide   that its next 43rd Annual Gener-
                                             “Consumers around the world
        and continue its transforma-      have  significantly  increased  their   Telstra with the necessary tools and   al Meeting of the Members of the
                                                                            capabilities to accelerate its journey
                                                                                                              Company will be held on Wednesday,
        tion into an innovation-led en-   expectations when it comes to the   to the cloud, enhancing agility and   June 26, 2024.
        terprise.                         seamless, digital delivery of their   scalability.                      Infosys is a digital services and
                                          products and services. As we ap-      Earlier, it was reported that the   consulting company. With a work-
                                          proach the tipping point of Gener-  IT sector major reported a revenue   force of more than 3,00,000, the
           “By leveraging Infosys Cobalt   ative AI and an avalanche of digital   growth of 1.3 per cent year-on-year   IT firm has clients in more than 56
        and Infosys Topaz, we can help Tels-  adoption, strategic partnerships with   (YoY) in the fourth quarter of just   countries.
        tra accelerate its strategy for growth”  global  leaders  such  as  Infosys  are   concluded  financial  year  2023-24,   The shares of Infosys closed
        said Salil Parekh, Chief Executive   critical to support our shared ambi-  with revenues reaching Rs 37,923   more than percent higher at Rs
        Officer, Infosys.                 tions for digital leadership” said Kim   crore. Moreover, the net profit of In-  1,429.50  on Thursday’s  trading ses-
            Through this partnership, Info-  Krogh Andersen, Group Executive,   fosys surged by 30 per cent YoY to Rs   sion before the announcement of
        sys will introduce modern product   Product and Technology, Telstra.  7,969 crore, the company informed   Quarter 4 results by the company.
        engineering practices to elevate both   Infosys Topaz, the AI-first suite   stock exchanges in its quarterly earn-  In the last one year the company
        customer and employee experience   of offerings, will enable Telstra to   ing data released on Thursday.  share has gained more than 16 per-
        within Telstra. The goal is to provide   harness the power of artificial intel-  Infosys also projected a growth   cent on NSE.

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