Page 18 - The Indian EYE 052022
P. 18

North                       The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                                    MAY 20, 2022

                                                       ‘DANCE PE CHANCE’

        38th edition of FIA’s flagship show dazzles

                        audience after a gap of two years

                          More than 300 children participate in event held on Saturday, May 7th,

                                                   at Patriots War Memorial Theatre

        OUR BUREAU                        actress Mannara Chopra.           together. He also invited the commu-  staying open and accommodating ur-
                                              More than $ 20,000 were given in   nity to participate in numbers for the   gently needed consular services.
        Trenton, NJ
                                          cash prizes, the first price being of $   India Day Parade in Manhattan  in   Dance pe chance over its nearly
                ore than 300 children from   5,000 which was won in a tie between   August of this year.      four decades has seen the participa-
                various community dance   Aum Dance Creations and Atma          FIA Chairman Ankur Vaidya     tion from nearly 19 thousand children
        Mschools participated in the      Dance Studios.                    thanked the FIA President and his   and the competition aims at bring-
        Tri-State area to showcase their talent   For  the  first  time  the  half-time   Executive team along with DPC   ing the diverse cultures of India, in-
        discipline technique and costumes.     show showcased a grand performance   Chair Saurin Parikh and Smita Miki   spire creativity and encourage team
        Children from ages 6 year to 16 and   by Mannara Chopra (also the Mas-  Patel for a job well done.  He also re-  work combined with competitiveness
        mix-age age adult groups compet-  ter of Ceremonies) who along with   membered  FIA’s  founding  member   among children to make them face
        ed with a sporting spirit shining the   the help of Choreographers Sandesh   Yash Paul Soi and his contribution to   the future better and making them
        grand stage of the theatre in colorful   Shetty and Deepa Pais did a medley   FIA and to the DPC event over the   aware of their roots which lay in the di-
        production lighting backdrops props   performance that concluded with a   past four decades.          verse cultures and traditions of India.
        and music.                        thunderous  applause from the  audi-  Vaidya  thanked  the  Piscataway   With support and compliments
            Mesmerizing performances were   ence.                           Twp. and Councilmember Kapil Shah   from FIA executive team and with the
        a mixed repertoire of culture and tra-  Deputy Counsel General of In-  for naming the Piscataway cricket   help of sponsors and supporters and
        dition set to the tune of contempo-  dia-  New  York Dr.  Varun Jeph  was   field in the memory of Jay (Jaswant)   unlike any other dance competition
        rary Indian ‘Bollywood’ Film Songs.   in attendance.  He expressed his joy   Mody.  Jay Mody was a lifelong FIA   this year as well, all meals and close
        Inclement weather did nothing to   in witnessing the participation from   volunteer and a community leader   to 400 tickets were given to the par-
        dampen the spirit and the event saw a   diverse community groups including   who served various other organiza-  ticipating students to stay committed
        great turnout of over 1100 spectators.  members from other communities of   tions during his community service   to FIA’s vision of engaging next gen-
            A total of 16 different perfor-  the USA. He expressed his gratitude   tenure of over 40 years.    eration of Americans of Indian origin
        mances were showcased by the groups   to FIA for engaging the community’s   FIA Vice President & Dance Pe   with our culture and our motherland.
        which included non- scoring per-  children  with  such  confidence  and   Chance Chair Saurin Parikh thanked   FIA thanked its sponsors ICICI
        formances by adult dancing groups.   discipline-building engagement that   all the sponsors, media partners and   Bank, Parikh Worldwide Media, TV
            The judges panel this year com-  also instills our motherland’s culture   the Consulate General of India NY   Asia Bansal Foundation, Arista Care,
        prised renowned Kathak Dancer     through the form of dance.        for their uninterrupted service to the   Dr Rashmi and Navin Mehta Foun-
        and actress Guru Archana Joglekar,    FIA President Kenny Desai     community during the pandemic.     dation, New York Banners-Stands,
        Bollywood Choreographer and direc-  thanked all the judges, sponsors and   The entire CGI-NY team was felici-  Royal  Albert  Palace  and  it’s  Media
        tor Kush Banker, popular actress of   FIA executive team along with the   tated with flowers on stage as a thank   Partners  ITVGold,  TV  Asia,  South
        South Indian Films Manya, and the   all-female  DPC team  that  worked   you from the community for their self-  Asian Times, Radio Zindagi and In-
        star  emcee, Sensational  Bollywood   tirelessly to bring this complex event   less service to our community and for   dian Panorama.

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