Page 16 - The Indian EYE 052022
P. 16
OP-ED MAY 20, 2022 | The Indian Eye 16
Reclaiming Our Dark Skies in
the Age of Light Pollution
A 2019 study has shown that light pollution in India has risen steadily in the last 20 years.
As per studies, nearly 58.5% of India’s population is exposed to light pollution
Lights have changed the way we live and exist, but like with any other technology they bring their problems when used excessively and irresponsibly
one could look up and see a spectac- ist, but like with any other technology star filled skies can return to our cities
ular starry night sky. Today bright city they bring their problems when used with focus on responsible lighting.
lights are making us lose the dark, excessively and irresponsibly. Light The International Dark Skies
some say at the speed of light! pollution effects human and animal Association based in Arizona, USA is
The bright lights of our increas- health, astronomy and leads to wast- working towards creating awareness
ingly urbanized and industrial life are age of energy. and promoting the return of dark
a source of light pollution – which is Light pollution impacts our sleep skies on the planet. It designates cities
the presence of unwanted, inappro- patterns, that becomes the start of and places as International Dark Sky
priate, or excessive artificial lighting. other ailments. It impacts migratory places. As of January 2022, 195 such
Think of illuminated billboards, stadi- patterns of birds, affects sea tur- places are identified in the world.
um lights, street lights, and lights em- tles, fireflies and other amphibians. They could be communities, parks,
anating from buildings. Though they Astronomers have to continuous- reserves, sanctuaries or urban night
SADHNA SHANKER might be there even in day time, the ly search for clear and dark skies to sky places.
A 2019 study has shown that light
study the universe. Reducing light
real effect of light pollution is felt at
A night. City lights chase away the dark, pollution is important for conserva- pollution in India has risen steadily in
few days ago, I was flying into
and leave a skyglow – a diffused light
tion of energy and reduction of car-
Delhi. It was dark outside, as
the last 20 years. As per studies, near-
the plane began to descend
Combating light pollution needs posed to light pollution.
timated that 83 percent of the world’s
bright lights of habitations around across the landscape at night. It is es- bon emissions. ly 58.5% of India’s population is ex-
Delhi began to twinkle in the night people live under light-polluted skies some changes and proactive think- Promoting and advocating for re-
sky below. City lights appear magical and that 23 percent of the world’s ing. Simple measures like focus- sponsible outdoor lighting, and ensur-
and dreamlike from the skies. How- land area is affected by skyglow. ing lights on areas that need them, ing that lights in our immediate envi-
ever, they are an increasing cause of Dark skies are important for life shielding lights to stop escape of light ronment are not excessive or wasteful
concern. If you live in one of the big on the planet to keep the circadian upwards, shutting lights when they is the way forward in combating the
cities of India, do you remember the rhythm – the natural body clock of are not needed by using sensors, not menace of light pollution that is slow-
last time you looked up at the night living beings in synch with the day wasting light, using anti-glare lights, ly creeping into our lives.
sky and could actually see the Milky and night rotation of Earth. Lights glow stones etc can go a long way in Sadhna Shanker is a writer based
Way? Less than 100 years ago, every- have changed the way we live and ex- reclaiming dark skies. The charm of in New Delhi, India