Page 22 - The Indian EYE 052022
P. 22
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 20, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
IIT Kanpur signs MoU with
Anil and Kumud Bansal Foundation
for US$2.5 million
Contribution made as Founder’s Circle for medical school at IIT Kanpur
OUR BUREAU ident of First National Realty Man-
agement, which owns and manages
New York, NY
commercial properties throughout
he Indian Institute of Tech- the United States.
nology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) A true entrepreneur, he was the
Tannounced the signing of an main founder of Indus American
MoU with the Anil and Kumud Ban- Bank, as well as an investor in many
sal Foundation to support the estab- IT companies.
lishment of the School of Medical Mr. Bansal is active in his New
Sciences and Technology (SMST) at Jersey community and serves on the
IIT Kanpur. Anil Bansal, the propri- boards of several corporations and
etor of the Anil and Kumud Bansal charity organizations. He is also an
Foundation, is an alumnus of IIT active member of the Rotary. Mr.
Kanpur, and runs the Foundation, Bansal also runs the Bansal Char-
along with his wife Kumud Bansal. itable Foundation, which provides
Under the MoU, the Anil and financial support to many nonprofit
Kumud Bansal Foundation pledg- organizations in the US.
es to donate an amount of US$2.5 The medical school at IIT Kan-
million for the establishment of the pur will be completed in two phases.
School. The School is now being Phase I of the project will include
named as Gangwal School of Medi- setting up a 500-bed Super-Special-
cal Sciences and Technology. ty Hospital, Academic Block, Res-
Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Direc- idential/Hostel, and Service Block
tor, IIT Kanpur said, “Our vision has with a total built-up area of approx-
been getting shaped with the growing imately 8,10,000 sq ft. Phase I will
generous insights and contributions also include setting up Centers of
from our global alumni network. Excellence (CoE) for pursuing R&D
We planted the seed for setting up activities in futuristic medicine. This
a dedicated school to bridge the gap phase is tentatively planned to be
between medical and technology dis- completed over the next 3-5 years.
ciplines in order to bring a paradigm Anil Bansal said, “To be able to nology would truly bring a new out- The Phase II of the project will
shift in medical research and innova- contribute to one’s alma mater always look to the field of medical research see the hospital capacity grow to
tion in India, and now it is our alum- feels great and when the occasion is and innovation in India. My wife Ku- 1000 beds, expansion in clinical de-
ni who are coming forward to help such a noble one, the excitement gets mud, and I are delighted to be part of partments/centers, research areas,
us nurture that vision into a reality. multiplied. I am glad to witness IIT this journey.” the inclusion of paramedical disci-
We are grateful for this generous Kanpur scaling new heights under Anil Bansal graduated with a plines, alternative medicine, hospital
contribution from our alumnus, Mr. the able leadership of Prof. Abhay Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical En- management, sports medicine, and
Anil Bansal, and welcome him to be Karandikar and believe that this new gineering in 1977 from IIT Kanpur public health programs. The Phase
a part of the Founder’s Circle in our endeavor to set up a one-of-a-kind and went on to study at the Univer- II is planned to be completed over a
endeavor to achieve this goal.” School of Medical Sciences & Tech- sity of Notre Dame. He is the Pres- period of 7-10 years.