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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                         MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 38

                                 Never feel shame about four things:

         Old Clothes, Poor Friends, Old Parents and Stable Living

                                                                                                              • Having a stable living situation al-
                                                                                                                lows us to build a life based on our
                                                                                                                values and priorities.
                                                                                                              • It gives us the freedom to pursue
                                                                                                                our passions, nurture our relation-
                                                                                                                ships, and create a sense of belong-
                                                                                                              • So let go of any shame you may feel
                                                                                                                about not constantly chasing after
                                                                                                                the next big thing.
                                                                                                              • Instead, embrace the stability you
                                                                                                                have  and  find  contentment  in  the
                                                                                                                present moment.

                                                                                                              Stable Life: The importance of
                                          In a world that often glorifies constant change and the pursuit of more, stability can sometimes   stability and contentment in life
                    Hirav Shah                         be seen as boring or stagnant (Representative/File photo)   • Society has a way of imposing ex-
                                                                                                                pectations and norms on us, dictat-
                                                                                                                ing how we should dress, who we
           n today’s materialistic world, it’s   cannot be replicated by mass-pro-  have and celebrate the richness   should befriend, and what our lives
           easy to feel pressured to keep up   duced fashion.                 they bring to your life.
                                                                                                                should look like.
        Iwith the latest trends and appear-  • Caring for our clothes and making   Poor Friends: Cultivating meaningful   • But it’s important to remember
        ances.  People  often  judge  us  based   them last also teaches us valuable                            that these expectations are not set
        on our possessions, the company we   lessons in resourcefulness and cre-  friendships and connections   in stone. We have the power to de-
        keep, and even our age. But should   ativity.                       • Our aging parents should be cher-  fine our own paths and live life on
        we really let these external factors   • We  learn to repair and upcycle,   ished and respected, not seen as a   our own terms.
        dictate our self-worth and define who   turning old garments into some-  burden.                      • Breaking free from societal ex-
        we are as individuals?              thing new and exciting.         • As they grow older, they become   pectations  requires  courage,
                                          • And most importantly, wearing old   a source of wisdom, guidance, and
        Embracing     and     celebrating   clothes can be a reminder that our   unconditional love.            self-awareness, and a strong sense
        individuality                       worth is not determined by the la-  • Their experiences and stories are   of self.
        • Society has a way of pressuring us   bels we wear, but by the content of   invaluable, offering us a glimpse   • It means challenging the status
                                                                                                                quo, questioning the norms that no
          to conform to its standards.      our character.                    into the past and teaching us im-
        • We are made to believe that un-  Old Clothes: The value of old clothes   portant life lessons.        longer serve us, and embracing our
                                                                                                                unique qualities and choices.
          less we have the newest designer                                  • In a society that often values youth   • So let go of any shame you may feel
          clothes, the trendiest friends, and   and sustainable fashion       and beauty above all else, it’s easy   about going against the grain. In-
          the most glamorous lifestyle, we are   • Having poor friends doesn’t dimin-  to overlook the contributions and   stead, forge your own path and live
          somehow lesser than others.       ish our worth; it gives us a chance   sacrifices of our older parents.
        • But the truth is, these external fac-  to build deep and meaningful rela-  • But their love and support have   a life that is true to who you are.
          tors do not define our worth. Our   tionships.                      shaped us  into the individuals  we   Conclusion: Living authentically and
          true value lies in our authenticity,   • True friendship is not based on ma-  are today. So let go of any shame   confidently
          kindness,  and  the  connections  we   terial possessions or social status. It   you may feel about their age or   • Wearing old clothes doesn’t make
          forge with others.                is built on shared values, trust, and   physical appearance.        us any less fashionable or confident.
                                            genuine care for one another.   •  Instead, celebrate their presence in
        Overcoming societal pressure and   • When we surround ourselves with   your life and make the most of the   • Having poor friends doesn’t dimin-
        judgment                            friends who may not have much in   time you have together.          ish our worth; it gives us a chance
        • Wearing old clothes doesn’t make   terms of material wealth, we open   Caring of Old Parents: Appreciating   to build deep and meaningful rela-
          us  any  less  fashionable  or  confi-  ourselves up to a world of different                        • Our aging parents should be cher-
          dent. In fact, it can be a statement   experiences and perspectives.  the wisdom and love of older parents  ished and respected, not seen as a
          of our commitment to sustainability   • These friendships teach us empa-  • Having a stable living situation is   burden.
          and conscious consumerism.        thy, gratitude, and the importance   something to be proud of, as it pro-
        • Fast fashion has taken a toll on the   of human connection.         vides us with a strong foundation   • And  finally,  having  a  stable  living
                                                                                                                situation is something to be proud
          environment, with its excessive pro-  • We learn that the value of a friend-  for success.            of, as it provides us with a strong
          duction and disposal of clothing.  ship lies in the support, love, and   • In a world that often glorifies con-
        • By embracing old clothes, we are   laughter we share, not in the size of   stant change and the pursuit of   foundation for success.
          reducing our carbon footprint and   our bank accounts.              more, stability can sometimes be
          contributing to a more sustainable   • So let go of any shame or embar-  seen as boring or stagnant.   The writer is a well known Business
          future.                           rassment you may feel about your   • But stability brings with it a sense   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
        • Plus, vintage and thrifted clothes   friends’  financial  situations.  In-  of security, peace of mind, and the   and BestSelling Author.
          have a charm and uniqueness that   stead, cherish the relationships you   ability to focus on our goals and as-  [email protected]

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