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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                         MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 40

                      ‘Heeramandi’: With 18 years

            of dreaming, 14 years of planning,

                       SLB realizes his web project

         Set against the backdrop of the Indian freedom struggle of the 1940s, the OTT series

                         promises to be an epic saga of love, power, revenge, and freedom

        OUR BUREAU

               eeramandi’  is  now  streaming  on  Netflix,
               with rave reviews and massive reaction
        Hfrom  the  audience.  Ace  filmmaker  San-
        jay Leela Bhansali has brought his lifelong dream
        to reality with the release of ‘Heeramandi: The
        Diamond Bazaar,’ marking his debut in the OTT
        world.  Bhansali,  while  reflecting  on  his  journey,
        spoke about his childhood visit to a film studio, ig-
        niting his passion for storytelling.
            “I wanted to make it 18 years ago. Then I
        thought there was another film to be made, then
        another film to be made. But this was always on my
        list of wanting to have to make it one day. After ev-
        ery film, Heeramandi would come out, and I would
        say once again, wait, it’s too vast. It’s too epic - too
        much of an epic to be made into two or two and a
        half hours. Then we thought we’d make it into two
        parts, he said.
            “It’s difficult to make a series, but we’ve made
        it, and I have enjoyed it. I’m glad and thankful to
        God that we made it. 14 years of planning, 18 years
        of living with it, and two years of designing, so it’s a
        lot of work that has gone into it,” he added.  Bollywood actors Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Fardeen Khan, Richa Chadha, Aditi Rao Hydari and other cast members
            Through the stories of courtesans and their
        patrons, the series delves deep into the cultural re-  pose for a picture at the premiere of their web series ‘Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar’, in Mumbai (ANI)
        ality of Heeramandi. It features Manisha Koirala,
        Sonakshi Sinha, Richa Chadha, Sanjeeda Sheikh,   ality of Heeramandi.                         Shekhar is double excited as not only he but
        Aditi Rao Hydari, Sharmin Segal, Taha Shah Ba-   Shekhar Suman, who portrays the character   also his son Adhyayan Suman is part of this proj-
        dussha, Shekhar Suman, and Adhyayan Suman.   of Zulfiqar Ahmed in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s di-  ect. Adhyayan portrays Zorawar Ali Khan, an ar-
            The project is an epic saga of love, power, re-  rectorial web series ‘Heeramandi: The Diamond   rogant ‘nawab’ of considerable wealth whose pur-
        venge, and freedom.                          Bazaar’,  opened  up  about  how  this  opportunity   suits are driven solely by his self-interest.
            ‘Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar,’ has been   knocked on his door when he was not expecting it.  Also, actor Ali Fazal heaped praise on his
        garnering appreciation from critics and audiences   Shekhar’s character Zulfiqar Ahmed, is a man   wife, Richa Chadha, for her stellar performance
        ever since its release on OTT. After watching the   of authority, whose mere presence exudes power   in ‘Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar.’ Fazal was
        series, actor Akshay Kumar could not stop himself   and sophistication.                    quick to laud his wife’s acting prowess, showcasing
        from praising Sonakshi Sinha and the entire team.   Talking about his experience working with   his support and admiration for her talent. Ali, on
        Akshay took to Instagram stories and shared the   Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Shekhar Suman said, “As   Thursday, took to his Instagram account to post
        poster of Heeramandi along with a caption, which   an artist, you desire to work with a well-known   a video montage capturing their vacations, public
        read, “Watching #Heeramandi, such a grand spec-  director. I got a chance to work with him, but on   encounters, and intimate moments.
        tacle!”                                      every step, on every path, a person learns some-  The actor also wrote a heartfelt note for his
            He also heaped praises on Sonakshi Sinha   thing. But when he comes with a good filmmaker,   wife that read, “Only a fool would not take Lajjo
        for her performance in the series. Akshay wrote,   he climbs many steps. So, I feel that when I started   and  fly  away!!  (Lajjo  check)  You  are  simply  the
        “Great going @aslisona @bhansaliproductions.”  this work in Heeramandi, me it was enough for me   best and I feel so lucky I get to share my notes with
            Set against the backdrop of the Indian free-  to do even one scene. Because to be seen in this   you in person .. congratulations partner on this
        dom struggle of the 1940s, the project promises to   environment and to do something is a big thing   mad success of #heeramandi . You’ve risen way
        be an epic saga of love, power, revenge, and free-  in itself. But there is also a connection to it. This   way way above the norm you always do. See you
        dom. Through the stories of courtesans and their   opportunity came to me that time when I was not   soon!  @therichachadha  !!.”  Richa  also  reacted
        patrons, the series delves deep into the cultural re-  expecting it.”                      and wrote, “Am lucky luckiest girl alive thank you.”

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