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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Samsung’s ‘Good Lock’ app debuts on Google Play Store

           Samsung has also introduced the One Hand Operation+ module on the Google Play Store

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            download it from either platform.
        San Francisco, CA
             amsung’s popular customiza-                                                                      While the expansion of Samsung’s
             tion app, Good Lock, has made                                                                    applications to the Google Play
        Sits debut on the Google Play                                                                         Store offers greater convenience
        Store, marking a significant expansion
        in accessibility for Samsung users.                                                                   for users, it’s advised to approach
            Previously exclusive to Sam-                                                                      the Early Access tag with pru-
        sung’s Galaxy Store, the availabil-
        ity of Good Lock on the Play Store                                                                    dence, considering potential bugs
        broadens its reach to a wider audi-                                                                   or stability issues that may arise
        ence  of  Android  users,  confirmed
        GSM Arena.                                                                                            in pre-release versions.
            The  move  comes  as  Samsung     The Good Lock app on the Google Play Store is currently labelled as ‘Early Access,’
        aims to offer its users more flexibility   suggesting that users should exercise caution, particularly if considering downloading it on   For those interested in exploring
        in accessing its suite of applications.                their primary devices (File photo)             these offerings, both the Good Lock
            However, it’s important to note                                                                   app and the One Hand Operation+
        that the Good Lock app on the Goo-                                                                    module are now available for down-
        gle Play Store is currently labelled as   In addition to the Good Lock   available to Samsung device owners,   load from the Google Play Store and
        ‘Early Access,’ suggesting that users   app, Samsung has also introduced   reported GSM Arena.        the Galaxy Store, providing Samsung
        should exercise caution, particular-  the One Hand Operation+ module    This module, previously acces-  users with enhanced customization
        ly if considering downloading it on   on the Google Play Store, further   sible only through the Galaxy Store,   options for their devices.  (With
        their primary devices.            enriching the customization options   now provides users with the choice to   agency reports)

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