Page 34 - The Indian EYE 051724
P. 34

BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 34

                 How Modi’s leadership and initiatives of

         Ambani and Adani are leading India’s growth

              CNN report says both Ambani and Adani are often compared by journalists to John D

                        Rockefeller, who became America’s first billionaire during the Gilded Age

        OUR BUREAU
        Mumbai/New York
            ndia  is  poised  to  become a
           21st-century economic power-
        Ihouse, offering an alternative
        to  China for investors looking  for
        growth and for reducing supply chain
        risks with Prime Minister Naren-
        dra Modi and industrialists Mukesh
        Ambani and Gautam Adani playing
        a  fundamental role  in  shaping  the
        economic superpower the country
        will become in the coming decades,
        according to a CNN report.
            The report says to spur growth,
        the Modi government has begun a
        massive  infrastructure  transforma-
        tion by spending billions on building
        roads, ports, airports and railways.
        It  is  also  heavily  promoting  digital
        connectivity, which can improve
        both commerce and daily life. “Both                                      Modi with Gautam Adani (ANI)
        Adani and Ambani have become key
        allies as the country embarks on this   sectors prioritized for development   thing that America and lots of other   roads and energy make it “a unique
        revolution,” it said.             by Prime Minister Narendra Modi,   countries have already gone through.  long-term investment opportunity”,
            Worth USD 3.7 trillion in 2023,  currently campaigning for his third   Britain in the 1820s, South Korea in   The report notes that while both
        India  is  the  world’s  fifth  largest   consecutive term to lead India. The   the 1960s and 70s, and you could ar-  the barons built much of their for-
        economy,  jumping  four  spots  in   South Asian country is poised to be-  gue China in the 2000s,” said James   tune from fossil fuels, they are now
        the rankings during PM Modi’s de-  come a 21st-century economic pow-  Crabtree,  the author of The Bil-  investing billions in clean energy.
        cade  in  office  and  leapfrogging  the   erhouse, offering a real alternative   lionaire  Raj,  a  book  about  India’s   Notably, their green energy pivot
        United Kingdom. “It is comfortably   to China for investors hunting for   wealthy.                    comes at a time when India has set
        placed to expand at an annual rate   growth and manufacturers looking   The report says that Mukesh   itself some ambitious climate goals.
        of at least 6 per cent in the coming   to reduce risks in their supply chains,”   Ambani’s ambition and breathless   The report also notes that de-
        few years, but analysts say the coun-  the report said.             pace of expansion is matched by   spite India’s success in terms of
        try  should  be  targeting  growth  of   “As a result, these  three men   Adani, “a college drop-out who now   growth rate, soaring youth unem-
        eight per cent or more if it wants to  -- Modi, Ambani and Adani -- are   helms businesses ranging from ports   ployment and inequality remain
        become an economic superpower.  playing a fundamental role in shap-  and power to defence and aerospace”.  stubbornly persistent problems. In
        Sustained expansion will push India   ing the economic superpower India   A  first-generation  entrepreneur,  2022, the country ranked a lowly 147
        higher  up  the  ranks  of  the  world’s   will become in the coming decades,”   the 62-year-old began his career with   on gross domestic product (GDP)
        biggest economies, with some ob-  it added.                         diamond trading, before setting up a   per person, a measure of living stan-
        servers forecasting the South Asian   The report also pointed out that   commodity trading business in 1988,  dards, according to the World Bank.
        nation to become number three be-  the  kind  of  power  and  influence   which later evolved into Adani En-  The report says India has other
        hind only the US and China by 2027,”  being enjoyed by the two Indian ty-  terprises Limited (AEL).   conglomerates as well. The 156-year-
        CNN analysis said.                coons has been seen before in other   According to a January note by   old Tata Group wields immense pow-
            Reliance  Industries  and  the   countries “experiencing periods of   American  brokerage  firm  Cantor   er over various key sectors ranging
        Adani Group - the two sprawling con-  rapid industrialisation.”     Fitzgerald, AEL “is at the core of ev-  from steel to aviation, but it often
        glomerates having valuations worth    It said both Ambani and Adani   erything India wants to accomplish.”  does not invite the same scrutiny as
        over USD 200 billion each, have es-  are  often  compared  by  journalists   The company functions as an   the newer conglomerates, mainly be-
        tablished businesses in sectors rang-  to John D Rockefeller, who became   incubator for Adani’s businesses.  cause it is controlled by philanthropic
        ing from fossil fuels and clean energy  America’s first billionaire during the   Many have been spun out and be-  trusts and not run as a family dynasty.
        to media and technology.          Gilded Age, a 30-year period in the   come leading players in their respec-  India has been the fastest-grow-
           “Investors have been cheering   last decades of the 19th century.  tive sectors. According to Cantor,  ing large economy in the last three
        the duo’s ability to adroitly bet on   “India is in the middle of some-  the firm’s current focus on airports,  financial years.

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