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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 30


          Writers inducted into American

            Academy of Arts and Sciences

                                                                            with lots of women who are representing VCs, women speakers, CEOs and
                                                                            founders of AI companies, and many, many different folks. This year actually
                                                                            39% of our speakers are non-Indus,” Manwani said to PTI on the sidelines of
                                                                            the just concluded TiECon, its annual conference, in Santa Clara, California.
                                                                                TiEcon 2024 was based on the theme, “AI Ubiquity: Envision the Future”,
                                                                            a visionary concept encapsulating AI’s seamless integration and transformative
               lobally celebrated Indian-origin authors, Amitav Ghosh and Jhumpa La-  power across all spheres of human endeavor. TiEcon 2024 proved to a ground-
               hiri, have been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Scienc-
        Ges, highlighting their profound impact on the global literary landscape.   breaking event showcasing artificial intelligence’s profound and pervasive influ-
                                                                            ence in our world. This conference highlighted AI’s transformative role across
            The Academy was founded in 1780 by John Adams, John Hancock, and
        others who anticipated that the young republic would need to promote learning   diverse sectors, from revolutionizing healthcare practices to reshaping the land-
                                                                            scape of manufacturing and cross-border B2B transactions.
        and share knowledge to succeed. The Academy honors and celebrates excel-  Founded in 1992 by eminent Indian Americans, TiE Silicon Valley has cre-
        lence by electing members; it pursues its mission to advance the common good   ated and enabled entrepreneurs who have generated over USD 1T in wealth
        by bringing them together across disciplines and divides to address major chal-
        lenges facing our country and the world.                            and built successful businesses in technology.
            Amitav Ghosh has won the 54th Jnanpith Award in 2018, India’s highest              ASHWIN RAMASWAMY
        literary honor. Ghosh’s ambitious novels use complex narrative strategies to
        probe the nature of national and personal identity, particularly of the people of   Gen Z candidate raises
        India and South Asia. Studied at St Stephen’s College and Oxford University,
        he is the winner of many awards including Padma Shri and Erasmus Prize.
            Jhumpa Lahiri, the British-American author known for her short stories,            over $280,000
        novels, and essays in English and, more recently, in Italian, studied at Barnard
        College, South Kingstown High School and Boston University. Her debut col-
        lection of short stories, Interpreter of Maladies, won the Pulitzer Prize for Fic-
        tion and the PEN/Hemingway Award, and her first novel, The Namesake, was
        adapted into the popular film of the same name.
            While the Academy has changed greatly since 1780, its members and its
        work are still connected to a charter founded on ideals that celebrate the life of
        the mind, the importance of knowledge, and the belief that the arts and sciences
        are “necessary to the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, indepen-
        dent, and virtuous people.” The Academy’s areas of work now include the arts,
        democracy, education, global affairs, the humanities, and science.
                               ANITA MANWANI

           President of TiE Silicon Valley

                   giving a new direction                                        for a US State legislature, has raised over $ 280,000, which is considered
                                                                                  shwin Ramaswami, aged 24, the first Gen Z Indian-American running

                              to diversity                                  Ato be a substantial figure at the state level. His opponent Shawn Still has
                                                                            raised only $ 6,400. Ramaswami is running for state Senate in the District 48
                                                                            of Georgia.
              he non-profit organization of entrepreneurs, TiE Silicon Valley, which is   According to the latest public campaign finance report, Ramaswami has
              the largest and founding chapter of the TiE brand, dedicated to foster-  raised a total of over USD 280,000 and has USD 208,000 cash on hand, his
        Ting entrepreneurship, has embarked on a new path of diversifying and   campaign said.
        inclusiveness by focusing on other communities and having women and youths’   “Our latest reports are further evidence that our community values honesty
        greater involvement in its activities.                              and integrity in our leadership above all,” said Ramaswami, a second-genera-
            Anita Manwani, who is the first woman president of TiE Silicon Valley in   tion Indian-American who has built a career in software engineering, election
        its more than 32 years of history, believes that the time has come to give it a new   security, and technology law and policy research. He has more than seven years
        direction. A seasoned corporate executive and entrepreneur, Manwani is one   of experience working to build tech startups; have worked in the federal gov-
        of 80 women recognised in the United States for their leadership in technology,  ernment on cybersecurity for three years; and currently runs a consulting com-
        and top 100 Women of influence in Silicon Valley.                   pany around software architecture, technology law and policy.
           “This is no longer just an Indus conference. It is an international conference                            Continued on next page... >>

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