Page 18 - The Indian EYE 051322
P. 18
North The Indian Eye
18 MAY 13, 2022
Indian missions, organizations and
community leaders condemn the Connecticut
State Assembly citation to separatist group
OUR BUREAU “We, the members of The Association
of Indians in America (AIA), the Old-
New York
est national organization founded 55
nfluential Indian-American years ago in 1967. We are dismayed,
groups have urged the Connecti- disheartened, and bewildered at such
Icut State Assembly to rescind its cheap shot at India, the largest secular
official citation that congratulated a democracy of the world, whom Amer-
separatist group on the 36th anniver- ica is very rightly courting at present to
sary of the so-called “declaration of play a major role in saving humanity
Sikh independence”. from theocratic and dictatorial states
In a statement, the Consulate around the world.”
General of India in New York con- “With due respect, we have not
demned the “so-called Citation of come across such ignorant state sen-
the General Assembly of the State of ators or local elected officials like the
Connecticut” as an “illegal act”. ones in your group. Sir, you the signa-
“This is an attempt by some mis- tories of this citation have poor or no
chievous elements to use the name knowledge of history, or importance
of the Assembly for their nefarious and need of nurturing and appreciating
purposes. These vested interests seek secular democracies around the world.
to divide communities and promote You are a disgrace to your Connecticut
bigotry and hatred. Their agenda of state senate colleagues and are bring-
violence has no place in democratic ing bad name to your great State,”
societies like the USA and India,” the said the statement issued by Gobind
statement said. “The Embassy of India Munjal, National President of AIA.
in Washington D.C. and the Consulate The American India Public Af-
General of India in New York will take fairs Committee (AIPC) has also con-
up this issue appropriately with the demned the citation. Jagdish Sewhani,
concerned US lawmakers,” it added. the AIPAC President, said that it is
Global Organization of People of highly condemnable & not at all ac-
Indian Origin (GOPIO) - Connecticut ceptable as it is an open support for an
Chapter has deplored the citation by Independent State, ‘Khalistan’. “This
a few members of Connecticut Gen- irresponsible act of supporting seces-
eral Assembly. “This initiative is from sionist movement in India is absolutely
a few fringe elements who have no in- unacceptable. The US is the oldest de-
terest in the State of Connecticut, but mocracy and India the largest democ-
promoting their own personal divisive racy and we share a very close and stra-
agenda,” said Dr. Thomas Abraham, tegic relationships. How can a state in
Chairman of the Global Organization the US calls into question the territo-
of People of Indian Origin and Trustee rial integrity of India?” said Sewhani.
of GOPIO-CT. “Sikhs are very patriotic and
“Indian American community peace-loving community. They sac-
in Connecticut consists of Hindus, rificed their lives for india. Sikhs are
Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, integral part of very diverse society of
Jains and Parsees. All these communi- India. They are in public service, army
ties live together as one Indian com- and have been President and Prime
munity and Connecticut state has no Minister of India. It looks like The
business to comment on issues pertain- Connecticut assembly has not done
ing to local issues in India or support- their homework. They have been mis-
ing fringe elements to promote their goes against the integrity of India,” resentatives who introduced this cita- guided by few mischievous elements.
divisive agenda,” Dr. Abraham added. said Ashok Nichani, President of GO- tion to dissociate themselves from the The citation has been issued based on
“There are 20 million Sikhs liv- PIO-CT citation. total misinformation which has not iota
ing peacefully with all other commu- GOPIO has written to Connecti- In another statement, the Associa- of truth,’’ said the president of Amer-
nities all over India and this citation cut State Senators and Assembly Rep- tion of Indians in America (AIA) said: ican India Public Affairs Committee.