Page 21 - The Indian EYE 051322
P. 21

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 13, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 21

        preciative of the informative evening   ists that were performing and those
        and voiced their desire to see more   who were not able to attend. There
        such community outreach events to   was one common thing that was res-
        take place discussing such important   onating  from  everyone’s  comments
        topics.  The  guest  speaker  Dr.  Sari-  which was, they were thrilled to learn
        ka Persaud spoke about the healing   about Manavi and its work and want-
        from  the  effects  of  gender-based   ed to know how they can be of help
        trauma.    Attendees  were  treated   and support its various activities. The
        to  soul  stirring  Classical  music  and   event  was  supported  by  our  media
        Kathak dance by artists from the In-  partners: TV Asia, World BBTV, Ra-
        dian Diaspora. Dignitaries from the   dio  Zindagi,  Divya  Bhaskar  &  The
        community,  music  &  dance  world   Indian EYE, Jus Punjabi, The South
        graced  the  occasion  to  learn  more   Asia  Times,  The  Indian  Panorama,
        about  the  grassroots  work  being   Hum Hindustani & Mera Sangeet.
        done by Manavi and also to enjoy the   Manavi provides a unique blend
        artistic  presentation.  The  talk  was   of culturally specific support services
        followed by Kathak recital by Shivani   and  intervention  methods  through
        Badgi. The evening was closed with a   Western advocacy practices and lin-
        very special Sitar and Flute jugalban-  guistically  traditional  techniques.
        di by Abhik Mukherjee & Jay Gand-  With a mission to end all forms of
        hi. They were accompanied on tabla   violence  against  women,  Manavi
        by Vivek Pandya.                  began as an awareness campaign on
            The Consul General of India in   issues concerning South Asian wom-
        New York Hon. Randhir Jaiswal &   en;  today  it  continues  to  centralize
        Deputy  Consul  General  Dr  Varun   women’s needs and interests in all its
        Jeph, were both present and congrat-  organizational decisions and service
        ulated  the  entire  organizing  team   provisions.
        and artsits. They were thrilled to see   Sexual violence is 100% prevent-
        so many people from the community   able. However, it starts with aware-
        so enthusiastic to learn more about   ness building and that was the pur-
        Manavi and support their mission.  pose of this event so we can strive to
            There were countless comments   bring this issue into community con-
        of  support  &  appreciation  pouring   sciousness  and  also  raise  awareness
        in during & after the event, not only   about Manavi’s culturally responsive
        from the attendees but also from art-  services to support survivors.

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