Page 20 - The Indian EYE 051322
P. 20
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 13, 2022 | The Indian Eye 20
Manavi Organizes Community Outreach
Event For Sexual Abuse Awareness Month
Consulate General of India in New York and Sneh Arts host the event
New York, NY
he Consulate General of India
in New York and Sneh Arts
Thosted a very special commu-
nity outreach event for Manavi, a
non-profit organization based out of
New Jersey.
Founded in 1985, Manavi was
the first organization in the
United States to specifically ad-
dress the unmet needs of South
Asian women affected by vio-
lence. Manavi’s objective is to
reach out to these women and
be an essential resource for
them during their time of crisis.
Manavi’s sexual violence service
provider & outreach coordinator
Nahrin Khan said, “ When it comes to
the South Asian culture, it is import- those traditional fixed gender-based paign. and gender norms that support pow-
ant to recognize that there is deep roles creating unhealthy expectations Poonam Saxena, Manavi’s men- er imbalance and allow the perpe-
rooted patriarchy within many of our that often lead to violence”. tor, advocate and transitional hous- trators to exercise control over the
communities. For instance, the tra- Sexual assault awareness month ing coordinator shared some real-life survivor. Sexual violence prevention
ditional patriarchal attitude towards (SAAM) is an annual campaign that stories of the victims that and their is also about learning to protect our-
women not only contributes to but is observed in April of each year, unfortunate plight. She urged every- selves and others by knowing the ba-
also maintains that power imbalance. since 2001. It is to raise public aware- one in the audience to be the advo- sic concepts of consent and boundar-
In many instances, women are sub- ness about sexual assault and to help cates and join hands with Manavi to ies and these concepts are easier to
jugated, subordinated and subservi- disseminate information in commu- support South Asian women. Vio- instill at an early age.
ent, within our communities, and our nities to prevent sexual violence as lence Prevention is about changing Guests in attendance were ap-
world view encourages conformity to prevention is a big part of this cam- the existing harmful socio-cultural Continued at next page... >>