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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah MAY 05, 2023 | The Indian Eye 32
Life doesn’t care about your tough
beginnings, your struggles and failures
Follow the E-A-T Rule to get success in Business
(Expertise, Authoritativeness & Trustworthiness)
through a challenge or a crisis or a di-
lemma. You only have the super abil-
ity to motivate, inspire and influence
your team by providing direction and
Trustworthiness - So, you are
now an Expert who is also Au-
thoritative. What is missing,
is only an assured reliance on
your ability, potential, strength
and truth or trustworthiness.
Just a few elemental forces hold
es, it is totally true that Life our organization or society together.
doesn’t care about your tough That glue is called trust. Trust’s pres-
Ybeginnings, your struggles and ence cements relationships by allow-
failures and You can decide to not ing folks to work together, feel safe
pursue your dream. You can play the and belong to a group.
victim card. Trust in a leader allows commu-
You can believe that the whole nities and organizations to flourish,
world is against you. And sometimes while trust’s absence can cause con-
people will criticize you for being Trust in a leader allows communities and organizations to flourish, while trust’s absence can flict and disturbances and even frag-
different. Sometimes they’ll tell you cause conflict and disturbances and even fragmentation (Representative photo) mentation. That’s why we need to
that you’re not good enough. That trust our leaders and our co-workers,
you should just give up albeit in different ways.
How to Achieve Success in pert, you can get the information you Trust can get you that deal be-
Don’t put limitations on your BUSINESS? need to adapt your organization to cause your client trusts that you will
dreams. All you need to do is follow the benefit you. You can thus ride out do a great job. Trust can get you very
If you want to be great and suc- E-A-T Rule: Expertise, Authorita- potential disruptions and come out far at work or in your business and
cess in life, you need to listen to your tiveness & Trustworthiness. the other side still sailing along. pretty much anywhere and every-
inner voice and find your passion. Expertise - Be an expert in your Authoritativeness - Don’t stop where. Trust, which is the natural
And when you do, leave your in- field so that you can show your au- at expertise. That’s only the begin- result of thousands of tiny actions,
securities and fears at the door dience what you know. The secret to ning. You’re also the authority. You thoughts and intentions, is much
Work hard for it every single day, success is to know something better can establish authoritativeness when more than money and can be called
and don’t let anyone tell you what than everyone else. The path to suc- your work receives mentions within the currency of any business. Being
you can or can’t do. cess is to be a pro in something. The your niche. in a trusted space or trustworthiness
sure shot ladder to success is being You only have to guide your is quite an honor.
So, what’s your story? more efficient than others. team by example and inspire pro- Final Thoughts: 2023 is about
Don’t let fear take over your life. By being an expert, you can have gression toward a common objective, getting a new direction and new in-
Learn, focus on giving and adding the knowledge, wisdom and the vi- a common goal. You only have to sights into your business, career and
more value. Focus on your path. sion. You would also know what to follow the “come with me” approach life. 2023 is about execution. 2023 is
• BUSINESS is all about “winning”. do, and how to do it. This will accel- and you only got to view success as about success and success can come
• BUSINESS is all about “believing erate the time taken to finish a vast something to be shared by the team. if you follow the E-A-T Rule reli-
Authoritativeness can be highly
that you can and you will”. number of activities/tasks. effective in the right situations and in giously.
Being an expert, you can have a
• BUSINESS is all about “getting up wealth of experience to offer unique the right circumstances, in the right
and voting for yourself”. perspectives on how to do things conditions and in the right state of The writer is a well-known
• BUSINESS is all about “achieving and anticipate coming trends in the affairs--especially when a company Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
success”. industry before others. Being an ex- or organization needs firm guidance Email: [email protected]