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BOLLYWOOD SPECIAL MAY 05, 2023 | The Indian Eye 34
Remembering Irrfan Khan:
A talented, global star who led
a simple life
It has been three years as we remember him on his third death anniversary (April 28) but the news
is yet to be accepted as the impression of the persona he had is rock-solid
OUR BUREAU into a method that results in Connors
becoming a man-lizard hybrid.
egendary actor Irrfan Khan ‘Life OF PI’
has been seen as a global star Irrfan, who played the adult ver-
Lwho used to lead a simple life. sion of the protagonist character ‘Pi
The power of showcasing emotions Patel in this 2012 adventure-drama
on screen without making too much film directed by Ang Lee, was pri-
effort makes him stand out from the marily heard rather than seen, work-
rest of the performers our cinema has ing as the narrator. The film was a
witnessed. smash hit with critics and audiences
alike, becoming one of the year’s
He was born on January 7, highest-grossing films and earning
1967, with no idea that he will four Oscars out of eight nominations.
one day be remembered as one ‘JURASSIC WORLD’
Irrfan’s screen personality was a
of the greatest performers in treat to watch onscreen as Simon, the
the world. Debuting with a mi- proprietor of the renowned dinosaur
nor role in ‘Salaam Bombay’ in theme park. The film is one of the
biggest commercial successes starring
1988 and ending up with ‘The the late actor, showing that he was
Songs of Scorpions’ and multi- loved not just in his native country,
but also crossed borders to become
ple achievements, dreams and a true worldwide cinema legend
It is hard to keep track of all of
movies in between, the legend the movies when Irrfan stole our
lived a complete life. Irrfan Khan with Tabu in ‘The Namesake’ hearts but if we have to share some-
thing more beautiful than his acting
Irrfan was someone who used to The voyage of Irrfan becoming highly appreciated at the time, driv- skills then it will be his bond with his
be a free bird and never let uncer- an actor started with learning acting ing Irrfan to stardom. son Babil.
tainty overpower him. A person who at NSD (National School of Drama) Babil mentions his baba Irrfan as
used to love the factor of uncertainty to making it to the global stage. After ‘SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE’ his best friend and soulmate.
in life made the world wake up to his dominating the Bollywood industry Despite having little screen time Anyone who has ever worked
demise due to neuroendocrine can- with movies like ‘Lunchbox’, ‘Pi- in this 2008 film, Irrfan managed to with the former actor no matter what
cer at a time when the pandemic was ku’and ‘Billu’ Irrfan worked on some make a name for himself as a crude is the situation their faces light up.
at its literal peak and the world was al- top-class international projects. police inspector who underestimated The way Khan narrated life says us
ready suffering from bad news daily. Some of the movies from his the lead character Jamal (played by to follow a single rule which is to love
It has been three years as we re- grand filmography which made a actor Dev Patel) and berated him un- every moment fully and not be scared
member him on his third death anni- global impact are: til he gained confidence and became of uncertainty.
versary (April 28) but the news is yet a millionaire on a quiz show. The As the actor has left the world
to be accepted as the impression of ‘THE NAMESAKE’ film went on to win several prizes, in- without giving us a proper farewell
the persona he had is rock-solid. In this 2006 English language cluding eight Academy prizes, taking to remember, his latest release ‘The
Actor Irrfan Khan who has been film, Irrfan captured the intricacies Irrfan to the global stage. Songs of Scorpions’ serves the pur-
part of some of the most critically ac- of Ashoke, an Indian immigrant pose. The movie is playing in the-
claimed movies and also dominated struggling to make a living in anoth- ‘The Amazing SPIDER-MAN’ atres now to mark the last theatrical
global showbiz with the movie like er country while keeping his native Irrfan appeared in the block- release of the Sahabzaade Irrfan and
‘Life of Pi’ and ‘Inferno’ is still in the culture alive, as a university profes- buster superhero film in 2012, as the give us another chance to be enter-
hearts of people who ever worked sor with Bengali roots residing in the dominant Rajit, the supervisor of Dr tained by one of the biggest enter-
with him or know about his work. US. Both the film and his part were Curt Connors who pressures him tainers the world has ever welcomed.