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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 05, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 30

                                                              TECH T@LK

            Left Swipe, Right Swipe: Tinder users react to new safety feature

               ating app Tinder is quite pop-                               themselves, Tinder wrote on Twitter,   After  recording  the  video,  tap
               ular among the new gener-                                    “Real recognizes real. That’s why our   on ‘Submit’ and within  a few min-
        Dation  of  people.  But  dating                                    Photo Verified members can now ask   utes, the user would find out if his or
        through  this  mobile  application  to                              their  matches  to  get  verified  before   her photo verification request is ap-
        find a potential match can land peo-                                chatting, so you can focus your energy   proved or not.
        ple  in  trouble  if  they  later  discover                         on verified cuties only.”             For verification, Tinder will com-
        that  the  other  person’s  identity is                                 What is the new ‘photo        pare the selfie video to members’ pro-
        fake. Considering the risk, Tinder is                                      verified’ process?         file photos through a combination of
        going to extra layer to its photo verifi-                               Until now, members were re-   “trusty humans and facial recognition
        cation process in the coming months.                                quired to take still photos while hold-  technology”  to  compare  the  facial
        Many users welcomed Tinder’s move,   held for opening fake profiles on Tin-  ing  a  series  of  static  poses.  These   geometry in the selfies submitted by
        saying that this new feature would   der. This new feature will save mem-  photos  were  then  compared  against   users and in their profile pics.
        bring  additional  safety  and  restrict   bers from falling prey to fake users.”  others on the member’s profile. Now,   Video selfie in photo verification
        fake users.                           The  company,  in  a  recent  blog,   to get blue checkmarks members will   is completely free and now available
            “I  had  encountered  many  fake   announced  that  the  ‘photo  verifica-                        globally.  However,  the  ability  to  se-
        profiles earlier. Even had a harrowing   tion’ process would soon require all   have  to  complete  a  series  of  video   lect  “photo  verified  members”  only
                                                                            prompts. According to Tinder, while
        experience.  And  I  believe  this  goes   users  to  compulsorily  upload  self-  no photo verification process is per-  in Message Settings will begin rolling
        for  both  men  and  women,”  Payel   ie  videos.  On  April  26,  Tinder  an-  fect,  this  helps  Tinder  keep  those   out in the coming months. Tinder will
        Singhal (31), an IT professional said.   nounced  that  it  is  strengthening  its   blue checkmarks more real.  ask all users to update to the latest ver-
        “This new feature is a good one and   ‘photo verification’ process by asking   To verify a profile, users need to   sion of photo verification in the com-
        will  help  to  counter  fraud  activities.   members  to  take  a  selfie  video.  In   open the app and tap on the profile   ing months and re-verify themselves.
        There  should  be  some  authenticity   case,  one  comes  across  a  ‘potential   icon.  Next,  tap  the  grey  checkmark   “Whether  they’re  returning  to
        of people using the dating app,” she   interest’ who isn’t photo verified on   next to the member’s name and select   Tinder after a break from dating, or
        said.                             Tinder, they can also ask them to get   “Continue” once the “Get Verified”   if they just don’t upload new photos
            Amit Paul (28), a medical profes-  verified  before  taking  the  conversa-                       often, there are several reasons why
        sional, said, “This is definitely a good   tion ahead.              text is visible. Then, grant access to   someone’s  verified  photo  might  not
                                                                            the camera to record a video selfie.
        step. Most of the time, men are being   Asking users to photo verify                                  be current,” Tinder said.

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